
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm Method


Overload List

Name Description
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (Account)
Displays a compose form for the specified Account.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (EmailMessage)
Displays a compose form for the specified e-mail message, using the default Account.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (SmsMessage)
Displays a compose form for the specified SMS message.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (String)
Displays a compose form for the specified Account name.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (Account, EmailMessage)
Displays a compose form for the specified e-mail message, using the specified Account.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (String, String)
Displays a compose form for the specified Account name, along with the names of the primary Recipients.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (String, String, String)
Displays a compose form for the specified Account name, along with the names of the primary Recipients, and the subject.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (String, String, String, String)
Displays a compose form for the specified Account name, along with the names of the primary Recipients, the subject, and the message body (text note).
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (String, String, String, String, String[])
Displays a compose form for the specified Account name, along with the names of the primary Recipients, the subject, the message body (text note), and the file names of the attachments, contained in a string Array.
MessagingApplication.DisplayComposeForm (String, String, String, String, String, String, String[])
Displays a compose form for the specified account name, along with the names of the primary Recipients, the names of the carbon-copied Recipients, the names of the blind carbon-copied Recipients, the subject, the message body (text note), and the file names of the attachments, contained in a string Array.

See Also


MessagingApplication Class
MessagingApplication Members
Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook Namespace