
Windows Mobile Defined MAPI Properties

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These are custom properties defined for MAPI running on the Windows Mobile Platform.

Constant Description Data type Property ID Property Tag
PR_CE_AGE_FILTER Contains a value indicating the maximum age a message can be for message filtering. PT_I4 0x8123 0x81230003
PR_CE_ATTACH_FETCH_SIZE Contains a value that indicates the maximum size of attachment to fetch. PT_I4 0x8122 0x81220003
PR_CE_CHECK_INTERVAL Contains the length of time the Messaging Application waits before it automatically initiates a Send/Receive. PT_I4 0x8120 0x81200003
PR_CE_CONNECTION_GUID Contains the CLSID of the connection. PT_CLSID 0x8127 0x81270048
PR_CE_CONTEXT_FLAGS Allows listview and context menus to disable the ability to reply to or forward a message. PT_LONG 0x8118 0x81180003
PR_CE_DOMAIN Contains the domain name. PT_UNICODE 0x811F 0x811F001F
PR_CE_EMS_HEADER_DATA Contains the EMS header data that comes with an Short Message Service (SMS) message. PT_BINARY 0x8114 0x81140102
PR_CE_FETCH_SIZE Contains a value that indicates the number of bytes of the body of messages that should be fetched for the folder. PT_I4 0x8121 0x81210003
PR_CE_HIDE_FROM_TODAY_PAGE Contains TRUE if the item should not appear on the Today Screen. PT_BOOLEAN 0x8115 0x8115000B
PR_CE_IMAP_UID Contains the message's UID sequence number. PT_LONG 0x8100 0x81000003
PR_CE_INCOMING_SERVER Contains the name of the incoming e-mail server.
Note   For security, this property is encrypted. It can only be accessed by privileged applications using the Messaging API (MAPI).
PT_UNICODE 0x8125 0x8125001F
PR_CE_IPM_DRAFTS_ENTRYID Contains the Entry ID of the message store's Drafts folder. PT_BINARY 0x8104 0x81040102
PR_CE_IPM_INBOX_ENTRYID Contains the Entry ID of the message store's Inbox folder. PT_BINARY 0x8106 0x81060102
PR_CE_IPM_SEARCH_ENTRYID Contains the Entry ID of the message store's Search folder. PT_BINARY 0x8105 0x81050102
PR_CE_IS_SEARCH_FOLDER Contains TRUE if the folder is a Search Folder. PT_BOOLEAN 0x8116 0x8116000B
PR_CE_ITEM_INDEX Contains the relative position of a message item within the message store. PT_LONG 0x810d 0x810d0003
PR_CE_MIME_TEXT Contains the message's Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) encoded text body. PT_BINARY 0x8103 0x81030102
PR_CE_NO_NOTIFICATION Contains TRUE if a message sender does not want notification of non-receipt for a specified recipient. PT_BOOLEAN 0x8112 0x8112000B
PR_CE_OUTGOING_SERVER Contains the name of the outgoing e-mail server.
Note   For security, this property is encrypted. It can only be accessed by privileged applications using the Messaging API (MAPI).
PT_UNICODE 0x8126 0x8126001F
PR_CE_REQUIRE_SSL Contains TRUE if the transport requires the SSL protocol. PT_BOOLEAN 0x8128 0x8128000B
PR_CE_SIGNATURE Contains a text signature that can be appended to messages PT_UNICODE 0x8119 0x8119001F
PR_CE_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION Contains TRUE if the transport supports SMTP authentication. PT_BOOLEAN 0x8124 0x8124000B
PR_CE_SMTPALT_ACCOUNT Contains the alternate SMTP account name. PT_UNICODE 0x8129 0x8129001F
PR_CE_SMTPALT_DOMAIN Contains the alternate SMTP domain name. PT_UNICODE 0x812A 0x812A001F
PR_CE_SMTPALT_ENABLED Contains TRUE if the transport supports SMTP as the alternate transport protocol. PT_BOOLEAN 0x812B 0x812B000B
PR_CE_SMTPALT_SSL Contains TRUE if the transport supports SSL as the alternate transport protocol. PT_BOOLEAN 0x812C 0x812C000B
PR_CE_TRANSPORT_NAME Contains the name of the transport used for an account, such as Short Message Service (SMS) or POP3 PT_UNICODE 0x8117 0x8117001F
PR_CE_UNIQUE_STORE_ID Contains the message store's GUID. PT_CLSID 0x8113 0x81130048
PR_CE_USE_SIGNATURE Indicates that the signature specified in the PR_CE_SIGNATURE property should be appended to each new composed message. PT_BOOLEAN 0x811A 0x811A000B
PR_CE_USE_SIGNATURE_REPLY_FORWARD Indicates that the signature specified in the PR_CE_SIGNATURE property should be appended to each message that is replied to or forwarded. PT_BOOLEAN 0x811B 0x811B000B
PR_CE_XPRT_MESSAGE_FLAGS Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the origin and current state of a message. PT_LONG 0x810b 0x810b0003
PR_CE_XPRT_MSG_STATUS Contains a bitmask of property tags that define the status of a message. PT_LONG 0x8102 0x81020003
PR_CONTENT_LENGTH_EX Contains a message length, in bytes, passed to a client application or service provider to determine if a message of that length can be delivered. PT_LONG 0x8108 0x81080003
PR_MESSAGE_SIZE_EX Contains the sum, in bytes, of the sizes of all properties on a message object. PT_LONG 0x8111 0x81110003

See Also

MAPI Constants | SPropValue | Pocket Outlook Object Model API Property Identifiers

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