TAPI Phone Device Functions
The following table shows the TAPI telephone device functions.
Function | PPC | SP | Description | Category | Asynchronous? |
phoneCallbackFunc | X | X | Is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. | Callback Function | No |
phoneClose | X | X | Closes the specified open telephone device. | Opening and Closing Phone Devices | No |
phoneConfigDialog | X | X | Causes the provider of the specified telephone device to display a modal dialog box. | Phone Status and Capabilities | No |
phoneDevSpecific | X | X | Enables a TAPI implementation to provide features that are not described in the other TAPI functions. | Extended Telephony Functions for Phone Devices | Yes |
phoneGetDevCaps | X | X | Queries a specified telephone device to determine its telephony capabilities. | Phone Status and Capabilities | No |
phoneGetGain | X | X | Returns the gain setting of the microphone of the hookswitch device of the specified telephone. | Hookswitch Devices | No |
phoneGetHookSwitch | X | X | Returns the current hookswitch mode of the specified open telephone device. | Hookswitch Devices | |
phoneGetIcon | X | X | Allows an application to retrieve a service telephone device-specific (or provider-specific) icon that can be displayed to the user. | Phone Status and Capabilities | No |
phoneGetID | X | X | Returns a device identifier for the specified device class that is associated with the selected phone. | Phone Status and Capabilities | No |
phoneGetMessage | X | X | Returns the next TAPI application message and optionally waits for a new message. | TAPI Initialization | No |
phoneGetRing | X | X | Enables an application to query the specified open telephone device for its current ring mode. | Ring | No |
phoneGetStatus | X | X | Enables an application to query the specified open telephone device for its overall status. | Status | No |
phoneGetStatusMessages | X | X | Indicates which status messages an application will receive. | Status | No |
phoneGetVolume | X | X | Returns the volume setting of the hookswitch device of the specified telephone. | Hookswitch Devices | No |
phoneInitializeEx | X | X | Initializes the use of TAPI by the application for subsequent use of the telephone abstraction. | TAPI Initialization and Shutdown | No |
phoneNegotiateAPIVersion | X | X | Allows an application to negotiate an API version to use for the specified telephone device. | Phone Version Negotiation | No |
phoneNegotiateExtVersion | X | X | Allows an application to negotiate an extension version to use with the specified telephone device. | Extended Telephony Functions for Phone Devices | No |
phoneOpen | X | X | Opens the specified telephone device. | Opening and Closing Phone Devices | No |
phoneSetGain | X | X | Sets the gain of the microphone of the specified hookswitch device to the specified gain level. | Hookswitch Devices | Yes |
phoneSetHookSwitch | X | X | Sets the hook state of the hookswitch devices of the specified open telephone to the specified mode. | Hookswitch Devices | Yes |
phoneSetRing | X | X | Rings the specified open telephone device by using the specified ring mode and volume. | Ring | Yes |
phoneSetStatusMessages | X | X | Enables an application to monitor the specified telephone device for selected status events. | Status | No |
phoneSetVolume | X | X | Sets the volume of the speaker component of the specified hookswitch device to the specified level. | Hookswitch Devices | Yes |
phoneShutdown | X | X | Shuts down the usage by the application of the TAPI telephone abstraction. | TAPI Initialization and Shutdown | No |
See Also
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