TAPI Line Device Functions
The following table shows the TAPI 2.0 line device functions.
Function | PPC | SP | Description | Category | Asynchronous? |
lineAccept | X | X | Accepts the specified offered call. | Call Accept and Redirect | Yes |
lineAddProvider | X | X | Installs a new TSP into the telephony system. | Service Provider Management | No |
lineAddToConference | X | X | Adds the call that is specified by the hConsultCall parameter to the conference call that is specified by the hConfCal parameter. | Call Conference | Yes |
lineAnswer | X | X | Answers the specified offering call. | Answering Inbound Calls | Yes |
lineBlindTransfer | X | X | Performs a blind or single-step transfer of the specified call to the specified destination address. | Call Transfer | Yes |
lineCallbackFunc | X | X | Is a placeholder for the application-supplied function name. | Callback Function | |
lineClose | X | X | Closes the specified open line device. | Opening and Closing Line Devices | |
lineCompleteTransfer | X | X | Completes the transfer of the specified call. | Call Transfer | Yes |
lineConfigDialogEdit | X | X | Causes the provider of the specified line device to display a dialog box (attached to the hwndOwner parameter of the application) to allow the user to configure parameters that are related to the line device. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineDeallocateCall | X | X | Deallocates the specified call handle. | Call Drop Functions | No |
lineDevSpecific | X | X | Enables service providers to provide access to features that are not offered by other TAPI functions. | Extended Telephony APIs for Line Devices | Yes |
lineDial | X | X | Dials the specified dialable number on the specified call. | Making Calls | Yes |
lineDrop | X | X | Drops or disconnects the specified call. | Call Drop Functions | Yes |
lineForward | X | X | Forwards calls that are destined for the specified address on the specified line, according to the specified forwarding instructions. | Call Forwarding | Yes |
lineGenerateDigits | X | X | Initiates the generation of the specified digits on the specified call as inband tones by using the specified signaling mode. | Generating Inband Digits and Tones | No |
lineGenerateTone (function) | X | X | Generates the specified inband tone over the specified call. | Generating Inband Digits and Tones | No |
lineGetAddressCaps | X | X | Returns the telephony capabilities of an address. | Addresses | No |
lineGetAddressID | X | X | Retrieves the address ID of an address that is specified. | Addresses | No |
lineGetAddressStatus | X | X | Returns current status of a specified address. | Addresses | No |
lineGetAppPriority | X | X | Gets the application's priority for a specific media mode. | Application Priority | No |
lineGetCallInfo | X | X | Enables an application to obtain information about the specified call. | Call States and Events | No |
lineGetCallStatus | X | X | Returns the current status of the specified call. | Call States and Events | No |
lineGetConfRelatedCalls | X | X | Returns a list of all calls in a specific conference. | Call Handle Manipulation | No |
lineGetDevCaps | X | X | Queries a specified line device to determine its telephony capabilities. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineGetDevConfig | X | X | Returns an "opaque" data structure object, the contents of which are specific to the line (service provider) and device class. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineGetIcon | X | X | Allows an application to retrieve a service line device-specific (or provider-specific) icon for display to the user. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineGetID | X | X | Returns a device identifier for the specified device class that is associated with the selected line, address, or call. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineGetLineDevStatus | X | X | Enables an application to query the specified open line device for its current status. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineGetMessage | X | X | Returns next TAPI application message and optionally waits for a new message. | TAPI Initialization | No |
lineGetNewCalls | X | X | Returns list of new calls on a specified line device. | Call Handle Manipulation | No |
lineGetNumRings | X | X | Determines the number of times that an incoming call on the given address should ring prior to the call being answered. | Toll Saver Support | No |
lineGetProviderList | X | X | Returns list of TAPI service providers that currently are installed. | Service Provider Management | No |
lineGetStatusMessages | X | X | Indicates, which status messages an applications will receive. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineGetTranslateCaps | X | X | Returns address translation capabilities. | Address Formats | No |
lineHandoff | X | X | Gives ownership of the specified call to another application. | Call Handle Manipulation | No |
lineHold | X | X | Places the specified call on hold. | Call Hold | Yes |
lineInitialize | X | X | Initializes the use of TAPI by the application for subsequent use of the line abstraction. | TAPI Initialization and Shutdown | No |
lineInitializeEx | X | X | Initializes the use of TAPI by the application for subsequent use of the line abstraction. | TAPI Initialization and Shutdown | No |
lineMakeCall | X | X | Places a call on the specified line to the specified destination address. | Making Calls | Yes |
lineMonitorDigits | X | X | Enables and disables the unbuffered detection of digits that are received on the call. | Digit Monitoring | No |
lineMonitorMedia | X | X | Enables and disables the detection of media types that are specified for the call. | Media Monitoring | No |
lineNegotiateAPIVersion | X | X | Allows an application to negotiate the API version to use. | Line Version Negotiation | No |
lineNegotiateExtVersion | X | X | Allows an application to negotiate the extension version to use with the specified line device. | Extended Telephony Functions for Line Devices | No |
lineOpen | X | X | Opens the line device that is specified by its device identifier, and returns a line handle for the corresponding opened line device. | Opening and Closing Line Devices | No |
linePickup | X | X | Picks up a call that is alerting at the specified destination, address and returns a call handle for the picked-up call. | Call Pickup | Yes |
linePrepareAddToConference | X | X | Prepares an existing conference call for the addition of another party. | Call Conference | Yes |
lineRedirect | X | X | Redirects the specified offering call to the specified destination address. | Call Accept and Redirect | Yes |
lineReleaseUserUserInfo | X | X | Informs the service provider that the application has processed the user-user information that is contained in the LINECALLINFO structure, and that subsequently received user-user information now can be written into that structure. | Sending Information to Remote Party | Yes |
lineRemoveFromConference | X | X | Removes the specified call from the conference call to which it currently belongs. | Call Conference | Yes |
lineSendUserUserInfo | X | X | Sends user-user information to the remote party on the specified call. | Sending Information to Remote Party | Yes |
lineSetAppPriority | X | X | Sets the priority of the specified application for the specified media mode. | Application Priority | No |
lineSetCallParams | X | X | Allows an application to change bearer mode and/or the rate parameters of an existing call. | Bearer Mode and Rate | Yes |
lineSetCallPrivilege | X | X | Sets the privilege of the application to the specified privilege for the specified call. | Call Privilege Control | No |
lineSetCurrentLocation | X | X | Sets the location that is used as the context for address translation. | Address Formats | No |
lineSetDevConfig | X | X | Allows the application to configure a line device to a setup that previously was obtained by using the lineGetDevConfig or the lineConfigDialogEdit function. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineSetMediaMode | X | X | Sets the media modes of the specified call. | Media Control | No |
lineSetNumRings | X | X | Sets the number of rings that must occur before an incoming call is answered. | Toll Saver Support | No |
lineSetStatusMessages | X | X | Enables an application to specify which notification messages to receive for events that are related to status changes for the specified line or any of its addresses. | Line Status and Capabilities | No |
lineSetTerminal | X | X | Enables an application to specify which terminal information that is related to the specified line, address, or call is to be routed. | Setting a Terminal for Phone Conversations | Yes |
lineSetTollList | X | X | Manipulates the toll list. | No | |
lineSetupConference | X | X | Sets up a conference call for the addition of a third party. | Call Conference | Yes |
lineSetupTransfer | X | X | Initiates a transfer of the call specified by the hCall parameter. | Yes | |
lineShutdown | X | X | Shuts down the usage by the application of the line abstraction of the API. | TAPI Initialization and Shutdown | No |
lineSwapHold | X | X | Swaps the specified active call with the specified call on consultation hold. | Call Pickup | Yes |
lineTranslateAddress | X | X | Translates between an address in canonical form and an address in dialable form. | Address Formats | No |
lineTranslateDialog (TAPI) | X | X | Displays an application-modal dialog box that allows the user to change the current location of a telephone number that is about to be dialed, adjust location and calling-card parameters, and see the effect. | Location and Country/Region Information | No |
lineUnhold | X | X | Retrieves the specified held call. | Call Hold | Yes |
See Also
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