Message Envelope Properties
These properties appear on message objects.
Constant | Description | Data type | Property ID | Property Tag |
PR_NULL | Represents a null value or setting of a property or reserves array space. | PT_NULL | 0x0000 | 0x00000001 |
PR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_MODE | Contains the identifier of the mode for message acknowledgment. | PT_LONG | 0x0001 | 0x00010003 |
PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT_ALLOWED | Contains TRUE if the sender permits autoforwarding of this message. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0002 | 0x0002000B |
PR_AUTHORIZING_USERS | Contains a list of entry identifiers for users who have authorized the sending of a message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0003 | 0x00030102 |
PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT | Contains a comment added by the autoforwarding agent. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0004 | 0x0004001F |
PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT_W | Contains a comment added by the autoforwarding agent. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0004 | 0x0004001F |
PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT_A | Contains a comment added by the autoforwarding agent. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0004 | 0x0004001E |
PR_AUTO_FORWARDED | Contains TRUE if an automatic agent has forwarded a message. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0005 | 0x0005000B |
PR_CONTENT_CONFIDENTIALITY_ALGORITHM_ID | Contains an identifier for the algorithm used to confirm message content confidentiality. | PT_BINARY | 0x0006 | 0x00060102 |
PR_CONTENT_CORRELATOR | Contains a value the message sender can use to match a report with the original message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0007 | 0x00070102 |
PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER | Contains a key value that enables the message recipient to identify its content. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0008 | 0x0008001F |
PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER_W | Contains a key value that enables the message recipient to identify its content. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0008 | 0x0008001F |
PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER_A | Contains a key value that enables the message recipient to identify its content. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0008 | 0x0008001E |
PR_CONTENT_LENGTH | Contains a message length, in bytes, passed to a client application or service provider to determine if a message of that length can be delivered. | PT_LONG | 0x0009 | 0x00090003 |
PR_CONTENT_RETURN_REQUESTED | Contains TRUE if a message should be returned with a nondelivery report. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x000A | 0x000A000B |
PR_CONVERSATION_KEY | The obsolete precursor of the PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX and PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC properties. No longer supported. | PT_BINARY | 0x000B | 0x000B0102 |
PR_CONVERSION_EITS | Contains the encoded information types (EITs) that are applied to a message in transit to describe conversions. | PT_BINARY | 0x000C | 0x000C0102 |
PR_CONVERSION_WITH_LOSS_PROHIBITED | Contains TRUE if a message transfer agent (MTA) is prohibited from making message text conversions that lose information. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x000D | 0x000D000B |
PR_CONVERTED_EITS | Contains an identifier for the types of text in a message after conversion. | PT_BINARY | 0x000E | 0x000E0102 |
PR_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_TIME | Contains the date and time at which a message sender wants a message delivered. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x000F | 0x000F0040 |
PR_DELIVER_TIME | Contains the date and time at which the original message was delivered. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0010 | 0x00100040 |
PR_DISCARD_REASON | Contains a reason why a message transfer agent (MTA) has discarded a message. | PT_LONG | 0x0011 | 0x00110003 |
PR_DISCLOSURE_OF_RECIPIENTS | Contains TRUE if disclosure of recipients is allowed. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0012 | 0x0012000B |
PR_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY | Contains a history showing how a distribution list has been expanded during message transmission. | PT_BINARY | 0x0013 | 0x00130102 |
PR_DL_EXPANSION_PROHIBITED | Contains TRUE if a message transfer agent (MTA) is prohibited from expanding distribution lists. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0014 | 0x0014000B |
PR_EXPIRY_TIME | Contains the date and time at which the messaging system can invalidate the content of a message. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0015 | 0x00150040 |
PR_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED | Contains TRUE if a message transfer agent (MTA) is prohibited from making implicit message text conversions. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0016 | 0x0016000B |
PR_IMPORTANCE | Contains a value indicating the message sender's opinion of the importance of a message. | PT_LONG | 0x0017 | 0x00170003 |
PR_IPM_ID | Was originally meant to contain an X.400 identifier of an interpersonal message. No longer supported. | PT_BINARY | 0x0018 | 0x00180102 |
PR_LATEST_DELIVERY_TIME | Contains the latest date and time when a message transfer agent (MTA) should deliver a message. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0019 | 0x00190040 |
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS | Contains a text string that identifies the sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note. | PT_TSTRING | 0x001A | 0x001A001F |
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_W | Contains a text string that identifies the sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x001A | 0x001A001F |
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A | Contains a text string that identifies the sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x001A | 0x001A001E |
PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ID | Contains a message transfer system (MTS) identifier for a message delivered to a client application. | PT_BINARY | 0x001B | 0x001B0102 |
PR_MESSAGE_SECURITY_LABEL | Contains a security label for a message. | PT_BINARY | 0x001E | 0x001E0102 |
PR_OBSOLETED_IPMS | Contains the identifiers of messages that this message supersedes | PT_BINARY | 0x001F | 0x001F0102 |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIPIENT_NAME | Contains the encoded name of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0020 | 0x00200102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_EITS | Contains a copy of the original encoded information types (EITs) for message text. | PT_BINARY | 0x0021 | 0x00210102 |
PR_ORIGINATOR_CERTIFICATE | Contains an ASN.1 certificate for the message originator. | PT_BINARY | 0x0022 | 0x00220102 |
PR_ORIGINATOR_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED | Contains TRUE if a message sender requests a delivery report for a particular recipient from the messaging system before the message is placed in the message store. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0023 | 0x0023000B |
PR_ORIGINATOR_RETURN_ADDRESS | Contains the binary-encoded return address of the message originator. | PT_BINARY | 0x0024 | 0x00240102 |
PR_PARENT_KEY | Was originally meant to contain a value used in correlating conversation threads. No longer supported. | PT_BINARY | 0x0025 | 0x00250102 |
PR_PRIORITY | Contains the relative priority of a message. | PT_LONG | 0x0026 | 0x00260003 |
PR_ORIGIN_CHECK | Contains a binary verification value enabling a delivery report recipient to verify the origin of the original message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0027 | 0x00270102 |
PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION_REQUESTED | Contains TRUE if a message sender requests proof that the message transfer system has submitted a message for delivery to the originally intended recipient. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0028 | 0x0028000B |
PR_READ_RECEIPT_REQUESTED | Contains TRUE if a message sender wants the messaging system to generate a read report when the recipient has read a message. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0029 | 0x0029000B |
PR_RECEIPT_TIME | Contains the date and time a delivery report is generated. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x002A | 0x002A0040 |
PR_RECIPIENT_REASSIGNMENT_PROHIBITED | Contains TRUE if recipient reassignment is prohibited. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x002B | 0x002B000B |
PR_REDIRECTION_HISTORY | Contains information about the route covered by a delivered message. | PT_BINARY | 0x002C | 0x002C0102 |
PR_RELATED_IPMS | Contains a list of identifiers for messages to which a message is related. | PT_BINARY | 0x002D | 0x002D0102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENSITIVITY | Contains the sensitivity value assigned by the sender of the first version of a message — that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_LONG | 0x002E | 0x002E0003 |
PR_LANGUAGES | Contains an ASCII list of the languages incorporated in a message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x002F | 0x002F001F |
PR_LANGUAGES_W | Contains an ASCII list of the languages incorporated in a message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x002F | 0x002F001F |
PR_LANGUAGES_A | Contains an ASCII list of the languages incorporated in a message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x002F | 0x002F001E |
PR_REPLY_TIME | Contains the date and time by which a reply is expected for a message. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0030 | 0x00300040 |
PR_REPORT_TAG | Contains a binary tag value that the messaging system should copy to any report generated for the message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0031 | 0x00310102 |
PR_REPORT_TIME | Contains the date and time when the messaging system generated a report. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0032 | 0x00320040 |
PR_RETURNED_IPM | Contains TRUE if the original message is being returned with a nonread report. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0033 | 0x0033000B |
PR_SECURITY | Contains a flag that indicates the security level of a message. | PT_LONG | 0x0034 | 0x00340003 |
PR_INCOMPLETE_COPY | Contains TRUE if this message is an incomplete copy of another message. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0035 | 0x0035000B |
PR_SENSITIVITY | Contains a value indicating the message sender's opinion of the sensitivity of a message. | PT_LONG | 0x0036 | 0x00360003 |
PR_SUBJECT | Contains the full subject of a message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0037 | 0x0037001F |
PR_SUBJECT_W | Contains the full subject of a message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0037 | 0x0037001F |
PR_SUBJECT_A | Contains the full subject of a message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0037 | 0x0037001E |
PR_SUBJECT_IPM | Contains a binary value that is copied from the message for which a report is being generated. | PT_BINARY | 0x0038 | 0x00380102 |
PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME | Contains the date and time the message sender submitted a message. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0039 | 0x00390040 |
PR_REPORT_NAME | Contains the display name for the recipient that should get reports for this message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x003A | 0x003A001F |
PR_REPORT_NAME_W | Contains the display name for the recipient that should get reports for this message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x003A | 0x003A001F |
PR_REPORT_NAME_A | Contains the display name for the recipient that should get reports for this message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x003A | 0x003A001E |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key for the messaging user represented by the sender. | PT_BINARY | 0x003B | 0x003B0102 |
PR_X400_CONTENT_TYPE | Contains the content type for a submitted message. | PT_BINARY | 0x003C | 0x003C0102 |
PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX | Contains a subject prefix that typically indicates some action on a message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x003D | 0x003D001F |
PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_W | Contains a subject prefix that typically indicates some action on a message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x003D | 0x003D001F |
PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_A | Contains a subject prefix that typically indicates some action on a message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x003D | 0x003D001E |
PR_NON_RECEIPT_REASON | dContains reasons why a message was not received that forms part of a nondelivery report. | PT_LONG | 0x003E | 0x003E0003 |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier of the messaging user that actually receives the message. | PT_BINARY | 0x003F | 0x003F0102 |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME | Contains the display name of the messaging user that actually receives the message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0040) | 0x0040001F |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_W | Contains the display name of the messaging user that actually receives the message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0040 | 0x0040001F |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_A | Contains the display name of the messaging user that actually receives the message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0040 | 0x0040001E |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier for the messaging user represented by the sender. | PT_BINARY | 0x0041 | 0x00410102 |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME | Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the sender. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0042 | 0x0042001F |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_W | Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the sender. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0042 | 0x0042001F |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_A | Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0042 | 0x0042001E |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. | PT_BINARY | 0x0043 | 0x00430102 |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME | Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0044 | 0x0044001F |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME_W | Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0044 | 0x0044001F |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME_A | Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0044 | 0x0044001E |
PR_REPORT_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier for the recipient that should get reports for this message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0045 | 0x00450102 |
PR_READ_RECEIPT_ENTRYID | Contains an entry identifier for the messaging user to which the messaging system should direct a read report for this message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0046 | 0x00460102 |
PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID | Contains a message transfer system (MTS) identifier for the message transfer agent (MTA). | PT_BINARY | 0x0047 | 0x00470102 |
PR_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_TIME | Contains the date and time a transport provider passed a message to its underlying messaging system. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0048 | 0x00480040 |
PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT | Contains the subject of an original message for use in a report about the message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0049 | 0x0049001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT_W | Contains the subject of an original message for use in a report about the message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0049 | 0x0049001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT_A | Contains the subject of an original message for use in a report about the message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0049 | 0x0049001E |
PR_DISC_VAL | The obsolete precursor of the PR_DISCRETE_VALUES property. No longer supported. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x004A | 0x004A000B |
PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS | Contains the class of the original message for use in a report. | PT_TSTRING | 0x004B | 0x004B001F |
PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS_W | Contains the class of the original message for use in a report. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x004B | 0x004B001F |
PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS_A | Contains the class of the original message for use in a report. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x004B | 0x004B001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_BINARY | 0x004C | 0x004C0102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME | Contains the display name of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_TSTRING | 0x004D | 0x004D001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME_W | Contains the display name of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x004D | 0x004D001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME_A | Contains the display name of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x004D | 0x004D001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SUBMIT_TIME | Contains the original submission date and time of the message in the report. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x004E | 0x004E0040 |
PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES | Contains a sized array of entry identifiers for recipients that are to get a reply. | PT_BINARY | 0x004F | 0x004F0102 |
PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES | Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to get a reply. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0050 | 0x0050001F |
PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES_W | Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to get a reply. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0050 | 0x0050001F |
PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES_A | Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to get a reply. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0050 | 0x0050001E |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key of the messaging user that actually receives the message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0051 | 0x00510102 |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. | PT_BINARY | 0x0052 | 0x00520102 |
PR_READ_RECEIPT_SEARCH_KEY | Contains a search key for the messaging user to which the messaging system should direct a read report for a message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0053 | 0x00530102 |
PR_REPORT_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key for the recipient that should get reports for this message. | PT_BINARY | 0x0054 | 0x00540102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_DELIVERY_TIME | Contains a copy of the original message's delivery date and time in a thread. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0055 | 0x00550040 |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key of the author of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_BINARY | 0x0056 | 0x00560102 |
PR_MESSAGE_TO_ME | Contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a primary (To) recipient of this message and is not part of a distribution list. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0057 | 0x0057000B |
PR_MESSAGE_CC_ME | Contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a carbon copy (CC) recipient of this message and is not part of a distribution list. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0058 | 0x0058000B |
PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME | Contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a primary (To), carbon copy (CC), or blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient of this message and is not part of a distribution list. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0059 | 0x0059000B |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME | Contains the display name of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_TSTRING | 0x005A | 0x005A001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME_W | Contains the display name of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x005A | 0x005A001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME_A | Contains the display name of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x005A | 0x005A001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_BINARY | 0x005B | 0x005B0102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key for the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_BINARY | 0x005C | 0x005C0102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME | Contains the display name of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. | PT_TSTRING | 0x005D | 0x005D001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_W | Contains the display name of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x005D | 0x005D001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_A | Contains the display name of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x005D | 0x005D001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID | Contains the entry identifier of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. | PT_BINARY | 0x005E | 0x005E0102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY | Contains the search key of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. | PT_BINARY | 0x005F | 0x005F0102 |
PR_START_DATE | Contains the starting date and time of an appointment as managed by a scheduling application. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0060 | 0x00600040 |
PR_END_DATE | Contains the ending date and time of an appointment as managed by a scheduling application. | PT_SYSTIME | 0x0061 | 0x00610040 |
PR_OWNER_APPT_ID | Contains an identifier for an appointment in the owner's schedule. | PT_LONG | 0x0062 | 0x00620003 |
PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED | Contains TRUE if the message sender wants a response to a meeting request. | PT_BOOLEAN | 0x0063 | 0x0063000B |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE | Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the sender. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0064 | 0x0064001F |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the sender. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0064 | 0x0064001F |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0064 | 0x0064001E |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0065 | 0x0065001F |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0065 | 0x0065001F |
PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0065 | 0x0065001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE | Contains the address type of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0066 | 0x0066001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the address type of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0066 | 0x0066001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the address type of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0066 | 0x0066001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0067 | 0x0067001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0067 | 0x0067001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0067 | 0x0067001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE | Contains the address type of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0068 | 0x0068001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the address type of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0068 | 0x0068001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the address type of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0068 | 0x0068001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0069 | 0x0069001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0069 | 0x0069001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0069 | 0x0069001E |
PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC | Contains the topic of the first message in a conversation thread. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0070 | 0x0070001F |
PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC_W | Contains the topic of the first message in a conversation thread. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0070 | 0x0070001F |
PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC_A | Contains the topic of the first message in a conversation thread. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0070 | 0x0070001E |
PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX | Contains a binary value that indicates the relative position of this message within a conversation thread. | PT_BINARY | 0x0071 | 0x00710102 |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC | Contains the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients of the original message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0072 | 0x0072001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC_W | Contains the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients of the original message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0072 | 0x0072001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC_A | Contains the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients of the original message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0072 | 0x0072001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC | Contains the display names of any carbon copy (CC) recipients of the original message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0073 | 0x0073001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC_W | Contains the display names of any carbon copy (CC) recipients of the original message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0073 | 0x0073001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC_A | Contains the display names of any carbon copy (CC) recipients of the original message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0073 | 0x0073001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO | Contains the display names of the primary (To) recipients of the original message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0074 | 0x0074001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO_W | Contains the display names of the primary (To) recipients of the original message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0074 | 0x0074001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO_A | Contains the display names of the primary (To) recipients of the original message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0074 | 0x0074001E |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE | Contains the e-mail address type, such as SMTP, for the messaging user that actually receives the message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0075 | 0x0075001F |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the e-mail address type, such as SMTP, for the messaging user that actually receives the message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0075 | 0x0075001F |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the e-mail address type, such as SMTP, for the messaging user that actually receives the message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0075 | 0x0075001E |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user that actually receives the message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0076 | 0x0076001F |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user that actually receives the message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0076 | 0x0076001F |
PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user that actually receives the message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0076 | 0x0076001E |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE | Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the user actually receiving the message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0077 | 0x0077001F |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the user actually receiving the message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0077 | 0x0077001F |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the user actually receiving the message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0077 | 0x0077001E |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0078 | 0x0078001F |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0078 | 0x0078001F |
PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0078 | 0x0078001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE | Contains the address type of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_TSTRING | 0x0079 | 0x0079001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the address type of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x0079 | 0x0079001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the address type of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x0079 | 0x0079001E |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being forwarded or replied to. | PT_TSTRING | 0x007A | 0x007A001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x007A | 0x007A001F |
PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x007A | 0x007A001E |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE | Contains the address type of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x007B | 0x007B001F |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE_W | Contains the address type of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x007B | 0x007B001F |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE_A | Contains the address type of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x007B | 0x007B001E |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS | Contains the e-mail address of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. | PT_TSTRING | 0x007C | 0x007C001F |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W | Contains the e-mail address of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x007C | 0x007C001F |
PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A | Contains the e-mail address of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x007C | 0x007C001E |
PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS | Contains transport-specific message envelope information. | PT_TSTRING | 0x007D | 0x007D001F |
PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS_W | Contains transport-specific message envelope information. UNICODE compilation. | PT_UNICODE | 0x007D | 0x007D001F |
PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS_A | Contains transport-specific message envelope information. Non-UNICODE compilation. | PT_STRING8 | 0x007D | 0x007D001E |
PR_DELEGATION | Contains the converted value of the attDelegate workgroup property. | PT_BINARY | 0x007E | 0x007E0102 |
PR_TNEF_CORRELATION_KEY | Contains a value used to correlate a Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) attachment with a message. | PT_BINARY | 0x007F | 0x007F0102 |
See Also
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