
Mail User Properties

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These properties appear on a messaging user object.

Constant Description Data type Property ID Property Tag
PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME Contains a 7-bit ASCII version of a messaging user's name. PT_STRING8 0x39FF 0x39FF001E
PR_ACCOUNT Contains the recipient's account name. PT_TSTRING 0x3A00 0x3A00001F
PR_ACCOUNT_W Contains the recipient's account name. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A00 0x3A00001F
PR_ACCOUNT_A Contains the recipient's account name. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A00 0x3A00001E
PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT Contains a list of entry identifiers for alternate recipients designated by the originally intended recipient. PT_BINARY 0x3A01 0x3A010102
PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains a telephone number that the message recipient can use to reach the sender. PT_TSTRING 0x3A02 0x3A02001F
PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains a telephone number that the message recipient can use to reach the sender. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A02 0x3A02001F
PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains a telephone number that the message recipient can use to reach the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A02 0x3A02001E
PR_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED Contains TRUE if message conversions are prohibited by default for the associated messaging user. PT_BOOLEAN 0x3A03 0x3A03000B
PR_DISCLOSE_RECIPIENTS Contains TRUE if disclosure of this recipient is allowed. PT_BOOLEAN 0x3A04 0x3A04000B
PR_GENERATION Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the recipient. PT_TSTRING 0x3A05 0x3A05001F
PR_GENERATION_W Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the recipient. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A05 0x3A05001F
PR_GENERATION_A Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A05 0x3A05001E
PR_GIVEN_NAME Contains the first name of the recipient. PT_TSTRING 0x3A06 0x3A06001F
PR_GIVEN_NAME_W Contains the first name of the recipient. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A06 0x3A06001F
PR_GIVEN_NAME_A Contains the first name of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A06 0x3A06001E
PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER Contains a government identifier for the recipient. PT_TSTRING 0x3A07 0x3A07001F
PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER_W Contains a government identifier for the recipient. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A07 0x3A07001F
PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER_A Contains a government identifier for the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A07 0x3A07001E
PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's place of business. PT_TSTRING 0x3A08 0x3A08001F
PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's place of business. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A08 0x3A08001F
PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's place of business. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A08 0x3A08001E
PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the telephone number of the recipient's office. PT_TSTRING 0x3A08 0x3A08001F
PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the telephone number of the recipient's office. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A07 0x3A07001F
PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the telephone number of the recipient's office. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A08 0x3A08001E
PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's home. PT_TSTRING 0x3A09 0x3A09001F
PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's home. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A09 0x3A09001F
PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's home. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A09 0x3A09001E
PR_INITIALS Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the recipient. PT_TSTRING 0x3A0A 0x3A0A001F
PR_INITIALS_W Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the recipient. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A0A 0x3A0A001F
PR_INITIALS_A Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A0A 0x3A0A001E
PR_KEYWORD Contains a keyword identifying the recipient to the recipient's system administrator. PT_TSTRING 0x3A0B 0x3A0B001F
PR_KEYWORD_W Contains a keyword identifying the recipient to the recipient's system administrator. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A0B 0x3A0B001F
PR_KEYWORD_A Contains a keyword identifying the recipient to the recipient's system administrator. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A0B 0x3A0B001E
PR_LANGUAGE Contains a value indicating the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. PT_TSTRING 0x3A0C 0x3A0C001F
PR_LANGUAGE_W Contains a value indicating the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A0C 0x3A0C001F
PR_LANGUAGE_A Contains a value indicating the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A0C 0x3A0C001E
PR_LOCATION Contains the location of the recipient in a format that is useful to the recipient's organization. PT_TSTRING 0x3A0D 0x3A0D001F
PR_LOCATION_W Contains the location of the recipient in a format that is useful to the recipient's organization. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A0D 0x3A0D001F
PR_LOCATION_A Contains the location of the recipient in a format that is useful to the recipient's organization. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A0D 0x3A0D001E
PR_MAIL_PERMISSION Contains TRUE if the messaging user is allowed to send and receive messages. PT_BOOLEAN 0x3A0E 0x3A0E000B
PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME Contains the common name of a messaging user for use in a message header. PT_TSTRING 0x3A0F 0x3A0F001F
PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME_W Contains the common name of a messaging user for use in a message header. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A0F 0x3A0F001F
PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME_A Contains the common name of a messaging user for use in a message header. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A0F 0x3A0F001E
PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER Contains an identifier for the recipient used within the recipient's organization. PT_TSTRING 0x3A10 0x3A10001F
PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER_W Contains an identifier for the recipient used within the recipient's organization. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A10 0x3A10001F
PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER_A Contains an identifier for the recipient used within the recipient's organization. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A10 0x3A10001E
PR_SURNAME Contains the recipient's family name. PT_TSTRING 0x3A11 0x3A11001F
PR_SURNAME_W Contains the recipient's family name. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A11 0x3A11001F
PR_SURNAME_A Contains the recipient's family name. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A11 0x3A11001E
PR_ORIGINAL_ENTRYID Contains the original entry identifier for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other writeable address book. PT_BINARY 0x3A12 0x3A120102
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME Contains the original display name for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other writable address book. PT_TSTRING 0x3A13 0x3A13001F
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME_W Contains the original display name for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other writable address book. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A13 0x3A13001F
PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME_A Contains the original display name for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other writable address book. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A13 0x3A13001E
PR_ORIGINAL_SEARCH_KEY Contains the original search key for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other writeable address book. PT_BINARY 0x3A14 0x3A140102
PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS Contains the recipient's postal address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A15 0x3A15001F
PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_W Contains the recipient's postal address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A15 0x3A15001F
PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_A Contains the recipient's postal address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A15 0x3A15001E
PR_COMPANY_NAME Contains the recipient's company name. PT_TSTRING 0x3A16 0x3A16001F
PR_COMPANY_NAME_W Contains the recipient's company name. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A16 0x3A16001F
PR_COMPANY_NAME_A Contains the recipient's company name. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A16 0x3A16001E
PR_TITLE Contains the recipient's job title. PT_TSTRING 0x3A17 0x3A17001F
PR_TITLE_W Contains the recipient's job title. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A17 0x3A17001F
PR_TITLE_A Contains the recipient's job title. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A17 0x3A17001E
PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME Contains a name for the department in which the recipient works. PT_TSTRING 0x3A18 0x3A18001F
PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_W Contains a name for the department in which the recipient works. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A18 0x3A18001F
PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_A Contains a name for the department in which the recipient works. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A18 0x3A18001E
PR_OFFICE_LOCATION Contains the recipient's office location. PT_TSTRING 0x3A19 0x3A19001F
PR_OFFICE_LOCATION_W Contains the recipient's office location. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A19 0x3A19001F
PR_OFFICE_LOCATION_A Contains the recipient's office location. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A19 0x3A19001E
PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's primary telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1A 0x3A1A001F
PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's primary telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1A 0x3A1A001F
PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's primary telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1A 0x3A1A001E
PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's place of business. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1B 0x3A1B001F
PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's place of business. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1B 0x3A1B001F
PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's place of business. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1B 0x3A1B001E
PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's office. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1B 0x3A1B001F
PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's office. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1B 0x3A1B001F
PR_OFFICE2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's office. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1B 0x3A1B001E
PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's mobile telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1C 0x3A1C001F
PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's mobile telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1C 0x3A1C001F
PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's mobile telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1C 0x3A1C001E
PR_CELLULAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's cellular telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1C 0x3A1C001F
PR_CELLULAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's cellular telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1C 0x3A1C001F
PR_CELLULAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's cellular telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1C 0x3A1C001E
PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's radio telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1D 0x3A1D001F
PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's radio telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1D 0x3A1D001F
PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's radio telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1D 0x3A1D001E
PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's car telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1E 0x3A1E001F
PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's car telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1E 0x3A1E001F
PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's car telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1E 0x3A1E001E
PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains an alternate telephone number for the recipient. PT_TSTRING 0x3A1F 0x3A1F001F
PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains an alternate telephone number for the recipient. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A1F 0x3A1F001F
PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains an alternate telephone number for the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A1F 0x3A1F001E
PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME Contains a recipient's display name in a form with enhanced security so that it cannot be changed. PT_TSTRING 0x3A20 0x3A20001F
PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_W Contains a recipient's display name in a form with enhanced security so that it cannot be changed. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A20 0x3A20001F
PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_A Contains a recipient's display name in a form with enhanced security so that it cannot be changed. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A20 0x3A20001E
PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's pager telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A21 0x3A21001F
PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's pager telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A21 0x3A21001F
PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's pager telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A21 0x3A21001E
PR_BEEPER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's beeper telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A21 0x3A21001F
PR_BEEPER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's beeper telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A21 0x3A21001F
PR_BEEPER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's beeper telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A21 0x3A21001E
PR_USER_CERTIFICATE Contains an ASN.1 authentication certificate for a messaging user. PT_BINARY 0x3A22 0x3A220102
PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER Contains the telephone number of the recipient's primary fax machine. PT_TSTRING 0x3A23 0x3A23001F
PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_W Contains the telephone number of the recipient's primary fax machine. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A23 0x3A23001F
PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A Contains the telephone number of the recipient's primary fax machine. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A23 0x3A23001E
PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER Contains the telephone number of the recipient's business fax machine. PT_TSTRING 0x3A24 0x3A24001F
PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_W Contains the telephone number of the recipient's business fax machine. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A24 0x3A24001F
PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_A Contains the telephone number of the recipient's business fax machine. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A24 0x3A24001E
PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER Contains the telephone number of the recipient's home fax machine. PT_TSTRING 0x3A25 0x3A25001F
PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_W Contains the telephone number of the recipient's home fax machine. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A25 0x3A25001F
PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_A Contains the telephone number of the recipient's home fax machine. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A25 0x3A25001E
PR_COUNTRY Contains the name of the recipient's country/region. PT_TSTRING 0x3A26 0x3A26001F
PR_COUNTRY_W Contains the name of the recipient's country/region. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A26 0x3A26001F
PR_COUNTRY_A Contains the name of the recipient's country/region. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A26 0x3A26001E
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY Contains the name of the country/region where the recipient's business is located. PT_TSTRING 0x3A26 0x3A26001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_W Contains the name of the country/region where the recipient's business is located. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A26 0x3A26001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A Contains the name of the country/region where the recipient's business is located. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A26 0x3A26001E
PR_LOCALITY Contains the name of the recipient's locality, such as the town or city. PT_TSTRING 0x3A27 0x3A27001F
PR_LOCALITY_W Contains the name of the recipient's locality, such as the town or city. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A27 0x3A27001F
PR_LOCALITY_A Contains the name of the recipient's locality, such as the town or city. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A27 0x3A27001E
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY Contains the name of the city where the recipient's business is located. PT_TSTRING 0x3A27 0x3A27001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY_W Contains the name of the city where the recipient's business is located. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A27 0x3A27001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY_A Contains the name of the city where the recipient's business is located. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A27 0x3A27001E
PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE Contains the name of the recipient's state or province. PT_TSTRING 0x3A28 0x3A28001F
PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W Contains the name of the recipient's state or province. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A28 0x3A28001F
PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A Contains the name of the recipient's state or province. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A28 0x3A28001E
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE Contains the name of the state or province where the recipient's business is located. PT_TSTRING 0x3A28 0x3A28001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W Contains the name of the state or province where the recipient's business is located. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A28 0x3A28001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A Contains the name of the state or province where the recipient's business is located. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A28 0x3A28001E
PR_STREET_ADDRESS Contains the recipient's street address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A29 0x3A29001F
PR_STREET_ADDRESS_W Contains the recipient's street address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A29 0x3A29001F
PR_STREET_ADDRESS_A Contains the recipient's street address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A29 0x3A29001E
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET Contains the street address where the recipient's business is located. PT_TSTRING 0x3A29 0x3A29001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET_W Contains the street address where the recipient's business is located. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A29 0x3A29001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET_A Contains the street address where the recipient's business is located. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A29 0x3A29001E
PR_POSTAL_CODE Contains the postal code for the recipient's postal address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2A 0x3A2A001F
PR_POSTAL_CODE_W Contains the postal code for the recipient's postal address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2A 0x3A2A001F
PR_POSTAL_CODE_A Contains the postal code for the recipient's postal address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2A 0x3A2A001E
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Contains the postal code of the recipient's business address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2A 0x3A2A001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_W Contains the postal code of the recipient's business address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2A 0x3A2A001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A Contains the postal code of the recipient's business address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2A 0x3A2A001E
PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX Contains the number or identifier of the recipient's post office box. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2B 0x3A2B001F
PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W Contains the number or identifier of the recipient's post office box. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2B 0x3A2B001F
PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A Contains the number or identifier of the recipient's post office box. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2B 0x3A2B001E
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX Contains the post office box number of the recipient's business. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2B 0x3A2B001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W Contains the post office box number of the recipient's business. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2B 0x3A2B001F
PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A Contains the post office box number of the recipient's business. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2B 0x3A2B001E
PR_TELEX_NUMBER Contains the recipient's telex number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2C 0x3A2C001F
PR_TELEX_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's telex number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2C 0x3A2C001F
PR_TELEX_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's telex number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2C 0x3A2C001E
PR_ISDN_NUMBER Contains the recipient's ISDN-capable telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2D 0x3A2D001F
PR_ISDN_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's ISDN-capable telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2D 0x3A2D001F
PR_ISDN_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's ISDN-capable telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2D 0x3A2D001E
PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains the telephone number of the recipient's administrative assistant. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2E 0x3A2E001F
PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the telephone number of the recipient's administrative assistant. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2E 0x3A2E001F
PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the telephone number of the recipient's administrative assistant. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2E 0x3A2E001E
PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's home. PT_TSTRING 0x3A2F 0x3A2F001F
PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's home. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A2F 0x3A2F001F
PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's home. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A2F 0x3A2F001E
PR_ASSISTANT Contains the name of the recipient's administrative assistant. PT_TSTRING 0x3A30 0x3A30001F
PR_ASSISTANT_W Contains the name of the recipient's administrative assistant. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A30 0x3A30001F
PR_ASSISTANT_A Contains the name of the recipient's administrative assistant. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A30 0x3A30001E
PR_SEND_RICH_INFO Contains TRUE if the recipient can receive all message content, including Rich Text Format and OLE objects. PT_BOOLEAN 0x3A40 0x3A40000B
PR_WEDDING_ANNIVERSARY Contains the date of the recipient's wedding anniversary. PT_SYSTIME 0x3A41 0x3A410040
PR_BIRTHDAY Contains the date of the recipient's birthday. PT_SYSTIME 0x3A42 0x3A420040
PR_HOBBIES Contains the names of the recipient's hobbies. PT_TSTRING 0x3A43 0x3A43001F
PR_HOBBIES_W Contains the names of the recipient's hobbies. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A43 0x3A43001F
PR_HOBBIES_A Contains the names of the recipient's hobbies. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A43 0x3A43001E
PR_MIDDLE_NAME Contains the recipient's middle name. PT_TSTRING 0x3A44 0x3A44001F
PR_MIDDLE_NAME_W Contains the recipient's middle name. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A44 0x3A44001F
PR_MIDDLE_NAME_A Contains the recipient's middle name. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A44 0x3A44001E
PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX Contains the display name prefix for a given MAPI object. PT_TSTRING 0x3A45 0x3A45001F
PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_W Contains the display name prefix for a given MAPI object. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A45 0x3A45001F
PR_DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX_A Contains the display name prefix for a given MAPI object. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A45 0x3A45001E
PR_PROFESSION Contains the name of the recipient's line of business. PT_TSTRING 0x3A46 0x3A46001F
PR_PROFESSION_W Contains the name of the recipient's line of business. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A46 0x3A46001F
PR_PROFESSION_A Contains the name of the recipient's line of business. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A46 0x3A46001E
PR_PREFERRED_BY_NAME Contains the name that the recipient prefers to be called. PT_TSTRING 0x3A47 0x3A47001F
PR_PREFERRED_BY_NAME_W Contains the name that the recipient prefers to be called. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A47 0x3A47001F
PR_PREFERRED_BY_NAME_A Contains the name that the recipient prefers to be called. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A47 0x3A47001E
PR_SPOUSE_NAME Contains the name of the recipient's spouse. PT_TSTRING 0x3A48 0x3A48001F
PR_SPOUSE_NAME_W Contains the name of the recipient's spouse. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A48 0x3A48001F
PR_SPOUSE_NAME_A Contains the name of the recipient's spouse. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A48 0x3A48001E
PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME Contains the name of the recipient's computer network. PT_TSTRING 0x3A49 0x3A49001F
PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME_W Contains the name of the recipient's computer network. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A49 0x3A49001F
PR_COMPUTER_NETWORK_NAME_A Contains the name of the recipient's computer network. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A49 0x3A49001E
PR_CUSTOMER_ID Contains the recipient's customer identification number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A4A 0x3A4A001F
PR_CUSTOMER_ID_W Contains the recipient's customer identification number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A4A 0x3A4A001F
PR_CUSTOMER_ID_A Contains the recipient's customer identification number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A4A 0x3A4A001E
PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER Contains the recipient's Telecommunications Device For The Deaf (TTYTDD) telephone number. PT_TSTRING 0x3A4B 0x3A4B001F
PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the recipient's Telecommunications Device For The Deaf (TTYTDD) telephone number. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A4B 0x3A4B001F
PR_TTYTDD_PHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the recipient's Telecommunications Device For The Deaf (TTYTDD) telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A4B 0x3A4B001E
PR_FTP_SITE Contains the recipient's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A4C 0x3A4C001F
PR_FTP_SITE_W Contains the recipient's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A4C 0x3A4C001F
PR_FTP_SITE_A Contains the recipient's File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A4C 0x3A4C001E
PR_GENDER Contains the recipient's gender. PT_SHORT 0x3A4D 0x3A4D0002
PR_MANAGER_NAME Contains the name of the recipient's manager. PT_TSTRING 0x3A4E 0x3A4E001F
PR_MANAGER_NAME_W Contains the name of the recipient's manager. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A4E 0x3A4E001F
PR_MANAGER_NAME_A Contains the name of the recipient's manager. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A4E 0x3A4E001E
PR_NICKNAME Contains the recipient's nickname. PT_TSTRING 0x3A4F 0x3A4F001F
PR_NICKNAME_W Contains the recipient's nickname. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A4F 0x3A4F001F
PR_NICKNAME_A Contains the recipient's nickname. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A4F 0x3A4F001E
PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE Contains the web address (URL) of the recipient's personal home page. PT_TSTRING 0x3A50 0x3A50001F
PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE_W Contains the web address (URL) of the recipient's personal home page. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A50 0x3A50001F
PR_PERSONAL_HOME_PAGE_A Contains the web address (URL) of the recipient's personal home page. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A50 0x3A50001E
PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE Contains the web address (URL) of the recipient's business home page. PT_TSTRING 0x3A51 0x3A51001F
PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE_W Contains the web address (URL) of the recipient's business home page. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A51 0x3A51001F
PR_BUSINESS_HOME_PAGE_A Contains the web address (URL) of the recipient's business home page. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A51 0x3A51001E
PR_CONTACT_VERSION Contains the version of the recipient's contact information. PT_CLSID 0x3A52 0x3A520048
PR_CONTACT_ENTRYIDS Contains the entry identifier of the recipient. PT_MV_BINARY 0x3A53 0x3A531102
PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES Contains the messaging user's e-mail address types, such as SMTP. PT_MV_TSTRING 0x3A54 0x3A54101e
PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES_W Contains the messaging user's e-mail address types, such as SMTP. UNICODE compilation. PT_MV_UNICODE 0x3A54 0x3A54101F
PR_CONTACT_ADDRTYPES_A Contains the messaging user's e-mail address types, such as SMTP. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_MV_STRING8 0x3A54 0x3A54101E
PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX Contains the messaging user's default address index. PT_LONG 0x3A55 0x3A550003
PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES Contains the messaging user's e-mail address. PT_MV_TSTRING 0x3A56 0x3A56101E
PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_W Contains the messaging user's e-mail address. UNICODE compilation. PT_MV_UNICODE 0x3A56 0x3A56101F
PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES_A Contains the messaging user's e-mail address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_MV_STRING8 0x3A56 0x3A56101E
PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER Contains the main telephone number of the messaging user's company. PT_TSTRING 0x3A57 0x3A57001F
PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER_W Contains the main telephone number of the messaging user's company. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A57 0x3A57001F
PR_COMPANY_MAIN_PHONE_NUMBER_A Contains the main telephone number of the messaging user's company. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A57 0x3A57001E
PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES Contains the names of the messaging user's children. PT_MV_TSTRING 0x3A58 0x3A58101E
PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES_W Contains the names of the messaging user's children. UNICODE compilation. PT_MV_UNICODE 0x3A58 0x3A58101F
PR_CHILDRENS_NAMES_A Contains the names of the messaging user's children. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_MV_STRING8 0x3A58 0x3A58101E
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY Contains the name of the city in the messaging user's home address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A59 0x3A59001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY_W Contains the name of the city in the messaging user's home address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A59 0x3A59001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_CITY_A Contains the name of the city in the messaging user's home address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A59 0x3A59001E
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY Contains the name of the country in the messaging user's home address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A5A 0x3A5A001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_W Contains the name of the country in the messaging user's home address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A5A 0x3A5A001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A Contains the name of the country in the messaging user's home address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A5A 0x3A5A001E
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Contains the postal code in the messaging user's home address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A5B 0x3A5B001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_W Contains the postal code in the messaging user's home address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A5B 0x3A5B001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A Contains the postal code in the messaging user's home address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A5B 0x3A5B001E
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE Contains the name of the state or povince in the messaging user's home address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A5C 0x3A5C001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W Contains the name of the state or povince in the messaging user's home address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A5C 0x3A5C001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A Contains the name of the state or povince in the messaging user's home address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A5C 0x3A5C001E
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET Contains the street address in the messaging user's home address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A5D 0x3A5D001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET_W Contains the street address in the messaging user's home address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A5D 0x3A5D001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_STREET_A Contains the street address in the messaging user's home address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A5D 0x3A5D001E
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX Contains the post office box numer in the messaging user's home address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A5E 0x3A5E001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W Contains the post office box numer in the messaging user's home address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A5E 0x3A5E001F
PR_HOME_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A Contains the post office box numer in the messaging user's home address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A5E 0x3A5E001E
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY Contains the name of the city in the messaging user's other address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A5F 0x3A5F001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY_W Contains the name of the city in the messaging user's other address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A5F 0x3A5F001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_CITY_A Contains the name of the city in the messaging user's other address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A5F 0x3A5F001E
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY Contains the name of the country in the messaging user's other address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A60 0x3A60001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_W Contains the name of the country in the messaging user's other address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A60 0x3A60001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A Contains the name of the country in the messaging user's other address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A60 0x3A60001E
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE Contains the postal code in the messaging user's other address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A61 0x3A61001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_W Contains the postal code in the messaging user's other address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A61 0x3A61001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A Contains the postal code in the messaging user's other address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A61 0x3A61001E
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE Contains the name of the state or province in the messaging user's other address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A62 0x3A62001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W Contains the name of the state or province in the messaging user's other address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A62 0x3A62001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A Contains the name of the state or province in the messaging user's other address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A62 0x3A62001E
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET Contains the street address in the messaging user's other address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A63 0x3A63001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET_W Contains the street address in the messaging user's other address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A63 0x3A63001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_STREET_A Contains the street address in the messaging user's other address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A63 0x3A63001E
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX Contains the post office box number in the messaging user's other address. PT_TSTRING 0x3A64 0x3A64001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W Contains the post office box number in the messaging user's other address. UNICODE compilation. PT_UNICODE 0x3A64 0x3A64001F
PR_OTHER_ADDRESS_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A Contains the post office box number in the messaging user's other address. Non-UNICODE compilation. PT_STRING8 0x3A64 0x3A64001E

See Also

MAPI Properties

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