
Input Method Manager (IMM) Structures

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The following table shows IMM structures with a description of each.

Programming element Description
CANDIDATEFORM This structure contains position information for the candidate window.
CANDIDATEINFO This structure contains candidate information.
CANDIDATELIST This structure contains information about a candidate list.
COMPOSITIONFORM This structure contains position information for a composition window.
COMPOSITIONSTRING (Windows CE) This structure contains composition information.
IMECHARPOSITION This structure contains information about the character position in the composition window.
IMEMENUITEMINFO This structure contains information about IME menu items.
INPUTCONTEXT This structure holds the context information for IME input.
RECONVERTSTRING This structure defines the strings for IME reconversion.
REGISTERWORD This structure contains reading information or a word to register.
STYLEBUF This structure contains the identifier and name of a style.

See Also

Input Method Manager (IMM) Reference

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