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The MAPIERROR structure provides detailed information about an error, typically generated by the operating system, MAPI, or a service provider.


struct { 
  ULONG ulVersion; 
  LPTSTR lpszError; 
  LPTSTR lpszComponent; 
  ULONG ulLowLevelError; 
  ULONG ulContext; 


  • ulVersion
    Version number of the structure; used for future expansion and should be set to MAPI_ERROR_VERSION, which is currently defined as zero.
  • lpszError
    Pointer to a string describing the error. This string is in Unicode format if the ulFlags parameter to the method in which this structure is used is set to MAPI_UNICODE.
  • lpszComponent
    Pointer to a string describing the component that generated the error. This string is in Unicode format if the ulFlags parameter to the method in which this structure is used is set to MAPI_UNICODE.
  • ulLowLevelError
    Low-level error value used only when the error to be returned is low-level.
  • ulContext
    Value that represents the location within the component pointed to by the lpszComponent member that identifies where the error occurred.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: mapidefs.h

See Also

MAPI Structures | Messaging

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