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This method provides data to the parser by pushing the specified data as a raw buffer containing bytes.


HRESULT PushData( 
  const char * pData,
  ULONG ulChars,
  BOOL fLastBuffer


  • pData
    [in] Pointer to the data to be pushed.
  • ulChars
    [in] Size, in characters, of the data pointed to by pData.
  • fLastBuffer
    [in] Indicates whether the current buffer is the last buffer.

Return Values

This function returns S_OK if the function is successful, otherwise an error code is returned.


The lowest level way to provide input is as a raw buffer of bytes. The buffer is not NULL terminated. Call the IXMLParser::PushData method with each buffer. IXMLParser::Run will continue to return E_PENDING until IXMLParser::PushData is called with the fLastBuffer argument set to TRUE. An XML token can span multiple buffers.

For example, the first buffer might end with "<!— sample", in which case the parser will return E_PENDING; if the next buffer starts with "bar — ->", the parser will complete the token and call the IXMLNodeFactory interface with the combined COMMENT text "<! — -sampletag — ->".

When IXMLParser::PushData is called with fLastBuffer set to TRUE, the pushing of data should not continue unless the parser is reset first (the parser behavior is undefined otherwise).


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: xmlparser.h

See Also

IXMLParser | IXMLNodeFactory | IXMLParser::Load | IXMLParser::Run | IXMLParser::SetInput | IXMLParser::SetURL

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