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This method returns the current line of XML that is being parsed. When there is an error, it is helpful to see the original decoded XML that contained the error.


HRESULT GetLineBuffer( 
  const WCHAR * ppwcBuf,
  ULONG * pulLen,
  ULONG * pulStartPos


  • ppwcBuf
    [out] Pointer into the decoded XML buffer.
  • pulLen
    [out] The length of the buffer.
  • pulStartPos
    [out] The position of the error inside the buffer.

Return Values

This method is not guaranteed to always return something. If no parse has been started or if there was an error fetching any XML data, this method will return an empty buffer of length 0.


Other types of IXMLNodeSource interfaces may not be able to provide this information.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: xmlparser.h
Library: xmlparser.lib

See Also


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