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This method is called when all the sub-elements of the given element are complete (in other words, the matching end tag </SAMPLE> has been reached). This method is also called if the tag is an empty tag <SAMPLE ... />, in which case the fEmpty argument is set to TRUE in case the IXMLNodeFactory interface must distinguish between this case and <SAMPLE></SAMPLE>.


HRESULT EndChildren( 
  IXMLNodeSource * pSource,
  BOOL fEmpty,
  XML_NODE_INFO * pNodeInfo


  • pSource
    [in] The node source is passed into each node factory call so that the node factory can call back and get important information, such as the current line number, or stop the parser.
  • fEmpty
    [in] Indicates whether the node is empty.
  • pNodeInfo
    [in] Pointer to an XML_NODE_INFO structure that contains the information about the node to be processed.

Return Values

This function should return S_OK if the function succeeds, otherwise an error code can be returned and the parsing will stop.


This method is not called for terminal nodes.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: xmlparser.h
Library: xmlparser.lib

See Also

IXMLNodeFactory | IXMLNodeFactory::BeginChildren | XML_NODE_INFO

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