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This is a callback interface used by urlmon to retrieve per-bind proxy information for HTTP, HTTPS, WSP, and WSPS transactions. Clients of URL monikers implement the interface. To advertise its presence, this interface must be registered with the bind context as an object named "_PROXYINFO_Holder_". For example, an object implementing IBindStatusCallback would register itself for proxy information in this way:

                           static_cast<IProxyInfo *>(this));

As the moniker begins to bind, the QueryInfo() method of this interface is called with the dwOption parameter set to either pioHTTPPROXY or pioWAPGATEWAY, and the pBuffer pointing to either an HTTPPROXYINFO or WAPGATEWAYINFO structure, respectively. If the client wants to use a proxy, such as for a WAP transaction or a WAP gateway, it must fill out the members of the structure appropriately and return success. If no proxy or gateway is being used for the bind, the client should return E_FAIL.

A BindStatusCallback function can register with the download request BindCtx to set HTTP proxy and/or WAP gateway settings. This interface will be accessed when the binding operation requires proxy or gateway information. To register to supply IProxyInfo you should call RegisterObjectParam on the BindCtx of in the BindStatusCallback.

The following method is used with the IProxyInfo interface.

Method Description
IProxyInfo::QueryInfo Retrieves the specified proxy or gateway information for a binding operation.

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