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The IM_GETDATALEN message is used to return the length of the data.

  wParam = 0;
  lParam = 0;


  • wParam
    Reserved; set to 0.
  • lParam
    Reserved; set to 0.

Return Values

This message returns the length in bytes of the ink data in the main Compose window. The application uses this value to allocate buffer to store the ink data.


Many of the standard EM_* messages are supported by passing them through to the RichInk control. See the RichInk.h header file for a specific list of messages that are supported.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
Smartphone: None
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: inkx.h
Library: inkx.lib

See Also

InkX Control Messages

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