
HTML Control API Notifications

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The following notification messages are used with HTML Control.

Notification Description
NM_BASE Sent by the HTML viewer control when it encounters a BASE tag in an HTML document.
NM_BEFORENAVIGATE Sent by the HTML viewer control before a navigation request to a URL begins.
NM_CONTEXTMENU Sent by the HTML viewer control when a user holds the stylus down in the viewer window before a context menu appears.
NM_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE Sent by the HTML viewer control when the document navigation is complete.
NM_HOTSPOT Sent by the HTML viewer control if the user selects a link or submits a form.
NM_INLINE_IMAGE Sent by the HTML viewer control to notify the application to load the image.
NM_INLINE_SOUND Sent by the HTML viewer control to notify the application to load the sound.
NM_INLINE_STYLE Sent by the HTML viewer control to notify the application that a stylesheet is about to be loaded via the <link> tag.
NM_INLINE_XML Sent by the HTML viewer control to notify the application that XML was loaded.
NM_META Sent by the HTML viewer control to notify the application and provide the HTTP-EQUIV and CONTENT parameters of the META tag in the HTML document.
NM_NAVIGATECOMPLETE Sent by the HTML viewer control when a navigation request has completed.
NM_TITLE Sent by the HTML viewer control to notify the application and provide the title of the HTML document.
NM_TITLECHANGE Sent by the HTML viewer control when the document title changes.

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