
GAPI Functions

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This section provides detailed information about the Windows Mobile-based Game API (GAPI) functions described in the following table.

Note   GAPI is deprecated. Use DirectDraw and Direct3D Mobile APIs instead.

Function PPC SP Description
GXBeginDraw X X Prepares the display for writing.
GXCloseDisplay X X Releases any display resources used by GAPI.
GXCloseInput X X Releases any input-related resources used by GAPI and returns button-press messages to their filtered mode.
GXEndDraw X X Called when a display drawing cycle is finished.
GXGetDefaultKeys X X Returns a list of virtual key codes that defines the best control layout for a game.
GXGetDisplayProperties X X Returns a structure with detailed information about the display hardware.
GXIsDisplayDRAMBuffer X X Returns if the device is a nonstandard display device.
GXOpenDisplay X X Opens the display for use and ensures exclusive access to the video frame buffer memory.
GXOpenInput X X Turns on the unfiltered button message mode.
GXResume X X Resumes GAPI operations.
GXSetViewport X X Defines a GAPI view port.
GXSuspend X X Suspends GAPI operations.

See Also

GAPI Structures | Windows Mobile Game Programming

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