
ToolHelp Functions

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The following table shows the ToolHelp functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
CloseToolhelp32Snapshot X X Closes a handle to a snapshot.
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot X X Takes a snapshot of the processes, heaps, modules, and threads used by the processes.
Heap32First X X Retrieves information about the first block of a heap allocated by a process.
Heap32ListFirst X X Retrieves information about the first heap allocated by a specified process.
Heap32ListNext X X Retrieves information about the next heap allocated by a process.
Heap32Next X X Retrieves information about the next block of a heap allocated by a process.
Module32First X X Retrieves information about the first module associated with a process.
Module32Next X X Retrieves information about the next module associated with a process or thread.
Process32First X X Retrieves information about the first process encountered in a system snapshot.
Process32Next X X Retrieves information about the next process recorded in a system snapshot.
Thread32First X X Retrieves information about the first thread of a process encountered in a system snapshot.
Thread32Next X X Retrieves information about the next thread of a process encountered in the system memory snapshot.
Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory X X Copies memory allocated to another process into an application-supplied buffer.

See Also

ToolHelp Reference

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