
System Management Functions

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The following table shows the system management functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
GetDeviceUniqueID X X This function returns an application-specific hash of the device identifier. The application can use this hash to uniquely identify the device.
GetSystemInfo X X This function returns information about the current system.
GetVersionEx X X This function obtains extended information about the OS version that is currently running.
IsProcessorFeaturePresent X X This function retrieves information about the supported x86 processor features in your system.
SignalStarted X X This function signals that an application has started and initialization is complete.
QueryInstructionSet X X This function queries to determine what instruction set is supported on the OS.
VerQueryValue X X This function returns selected version information from the specified version information resource.

See Also

System Management Reference

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