
Services.exe Functions

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The following table shows the Services.exe functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
ActivateService X X This function loads a service.
DeregisterService X X This function stops a service instance.
EnumServices X X This function retrieves information about all running services on the device.
GetServiceHandle X X This function retrieves the handle to a service instance based on its prefix.
RegisterService X X This function creates a new instance of a service.
ServiceAddPort X X This function causes Services.exe to listen on the specified socket address and map network requests on the socket to the specified service instance.
ServiceClosePort X X This function closes the specified port listening on the super server.
ServiceIoControl X X This function sends a control code directly to a specified device driver causing the corresponding device to perform the specified operation.
ServiceUnbindPorts X X This function closes all ports that are listening on the super server and are associated with the specified device.
xxx_Close (Services.exe) X X This function is implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe.
xxx_Deinit (Services.exe) X X This function is to be implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe.
xxx_Init (Services.exe) X X This function is to be implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe.
xxx_IOControl (Services.exe) X X This function sends a control code to a service.
xxx_Open (Services.exe) X X This function is to be implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe.
xxx_Read (Services.exe) X X This function is to be implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe. This function need only be implemented by a streaming service.
xxx_Seek (Services.exe) X X This function is to be implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe. This function need only be implemented by a streaming service.
xxx_Write (Services.exe) X X This function is to be implemented by a service and will be called by Services.exe. Only streaming services need to implement this function.

See Also

Services.exe Reference

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