
Internet Explorer MLang Functions

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The following table shows the Internet Explorer MLang functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
ConvertINetMultiByteToUnicode X X This function translates a source string to a Unicode string and returns the result to each result buffer.
ConvertINetString X X This function performs character set conversion between a given source code page and a destination code page identifier.
ConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte X X This function translates a character stream in Unicode to the specified destination code page.
IsConvertINetStringAvailable X X This function is used by an application to verify that the specified character set conversion can be performed.
LcidToRfc1766 X X This function translates a Windows locale identifier to a human-readable name that conforms to RFC-1766.
Rfc1766ToLcid X X This function translates an RFC-1766-conforming name to a locale identifier (LCID) value.

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