
Input Method Manager (IMM) Messages

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The following table shows the IMM messages with a description of each.

Programming element Description
IMC_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW This message is sent by an application to the input method editor (IME) window to hide the status window.
IMC_GETCANDIDATEPOS This message is sent by an application to an IME window to get the position of the candidate window.
IMC_GETCOMPOSITIONFONT This message is sent to an IME window to retrieve the logical font used for displaying intermediate characters in the composition window.
IMC_GETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW This message is sent by an application to an input method editor (IME) window to get the position of the composition window.
IMC_GETCONVERSIONMODE This message is sent by an application to an IME window to obtain the current conversion mode.
IMC_GETOPENSTATUS This message is sent by an application to an IME window to determine whether the IME is open.
IMC_GETSENTENCEMODE This message is sent by an application to an input method editor (IME) window to obtain current sentence mode.
IMC_GETSTATUSWINDOWPOS This message is sent by an application to an IME window to get the position of the status window.
IMC_OPENSTATUSWINDOW This message is sent by an application to the IME window to show the status window.
IMC_SETCANDIDATEPOS This message is sent by an application to an IME window to set the position of the candidate window.
IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT This message is sent by an application to an IME window to specify the logical font to use for displaying intermediate characters in the composition window.
IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW This message is sent by an application to an input method editor (IME) window to set the style of the composition window.
IMC_SETCONVERSIONMODE This message is sent by an application to an IME window to set current conversion mode.
IMC_SETOPENSTATUS This message is sent by an application to an input method editor (IME) window to open or close the current IME.
IMC_SETSENTENCEMODE This message is sent by an application to an IME window to set the current sentence mode.
IMC_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS This message is sent by an application to an IME window to set the position of the status window.
IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE This message is sent when an IME is about to change the content of a candidate window.
IMN_CLOSECANDIDATE This message is sent to the application when an IME is about to close the candidate window.
IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW This message is sent to the application when an input method editor (IME) is about to close the status window.
IMN_GUIDELINE This message is sent when an IME is about to show an error or information.
IMN_OPENCANDIDATE This message is sent to the application when an IME is about to open the candidate window.
IMN_OPENSTATUSWINDOW This message is sent when an IME is about to create the status window.
IMN_SETCANDIDATEPOS This message is sent when the IME is about to move the candidate window.
IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT This message is sent when the font of the input context is updated.
IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW This message is sent when the composition form of the input context is updated.
IMN_SETCONVERSIONMODE This message is sent when the conversion mode of the Input Context is updated.
IMN_SETOPENSTATUS This message is sent when the open status of the input context is updated.
IMN_SETSENTENCEMODE This message is sent when the sentence mode of the input context is updated.
IMN_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS This message is sent when the status window position in the input context is updated.
IMR_COMPOSITIONFONT This message is sent to the application through the WM_IME_REQUEST message when a selected IME needs data about the font used by the composition window.
IMR_CONFIRMRECONVERTSTRING This message is sent to the application through the WM_IME_REQUEST message when the IME needs to change the RECONVERTSTRING structure, which was previously filled in by the application on receiving the IMR_RECONVERTSTRING message.
IMR_DOCUMENTFEED This message is sent to the application when the selected IME needs the converted string from the application.
IMR_QUERYCHARPOSITION This message is sent to the application when the selected IME needs information about the coordinates of a character in the composition string.
IMR_RECONVERTSTRING This message is sent to the application through the WM_IME_REQUEST message when a selected IME needs a string for reconversion.
WM_IME_COMPOSITION This message is sent to an application when the IME changes composition status as a result of a keystroke.
WM_IME_CONTROL This message directs the IME window to carry out the requested command.
WM_IME_NOTIFY This message is sent to an application to notify it of changes to the IME window.
WM_IME_REQUEST This message requests information about the state of the IME.
WM_IME_SELECT This message is sent to an application when the system is about to change the current IME.
WM_IME_SETCONTEXT This message is sent to an application when a window of the application is activated.

See Also

Input Method Manager (IMM) Reference

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