
Credential Manager Functions

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The following table shows the credential manager functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
CeCredFree X X This function frees the buffer that is allocated by CeCredRead. This function is deprecated. Use the CredFree function instead.
CeCredRead X X This function returns a pointer to a credential structure that is specified by the target string. This function is deprecated. Use the CredRead function instead.
CeCredWrite X X This function creates or updates a credential that is specified by the target string. This function is deprecated. Use the CredWrite function instead.
CredFree X X This function frees the buffer that is allocated by the credential manager using CredRead. This function replaces CeCredFree.
CredRead X X This function retrieves credential information that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential. This function replaces CeCredRead.
CredWrite X X This function creates a credential that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential. This function replaces CeCredWrite.
CredDelete X X This function deletes the credential that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential.
CredUpdate X X This function updates the credential that is uniquely identified by the tuple that contains the credential type and the target ID associated with the credential.

See Also

Credential Manager Reference

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