
Bluetooth Structures

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The following table lists the structures for Bluetooth.

Programming element Description
BASEBAND_CONNECTION This structure identifies information that is used in baseband connections.
BTH_LOCAL_VERSION This structure contains the version information for the local Bluetooth device.
BTH_REMOTE_NAME This structure obtains the user-friendly name of another Bluetooth device.
BTH_HOLD_MODE This structure stores information about an ACL connection to a peer Bluetooth device thatis in HOLD mode.
BTH_SNIFF_MODE This structure stores information about an ACL connection to a peer Bluetooth device that is in SNIFF mode.
BTH_PARK_MODE This structure stores information about an ACL connection to a peer Bluetooth device that is in PARK mode.
BTH_REMOTE_VERSION This structure contains information about the version information of the remote Bluetooth device.
BTH_SOCKOPT_SECURITY This structure defines the link key associated with a peer Bluetooth device that is connected through a Winsock interface.
BthInquiryResult This structure fills with information for the current device that is being enumerated in lpqsResults->lpBlob->pBlobData when the LUP_RETURN_BLOB flag is set in the WSALookupServiceNext function.
BTHNS_INQUIRYBLOB This structure contains additional parameters for device inquiries.
BTHNS_RESTRICTIONBLOB This structure contains details about a query restriction.
BTHNS_SETBLOB This structure is passed to the BthNsSetService function through the lpqsRegInfo->lpBlob member and contains information on the new service.
NodeData This structure defines the node data in a Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) record.
NodeDataUnion This union holds the raw data for an SDP element.
SdpAttributeRange This structure contains the range to query for attribute or attribute service searching.
SdpQueryUuid This structure contains the UUID to query for attribute or attribute service searching.
SdpQueryUuidUnion This union identifies the type of UUID to use for the query.
SOCKADDR_BTH This structure defines the Bluetooth socket address.
WSAQUERYSET (Bluetooth) This structure is a generic Winsock structure that other service search protocols can use for searching.
PORTEMUPortParams This structure is used when creating a virtual COM port.
BTEVENT This structure stores information about the event notification sent by the Bluetooth stack.
BT_CONNECT_EVENT This structure stores information about the BTE_CONNECTION (100) event for the Baseband connection.
BT_DISCONNECT_EVENT This structure stores information about the BTE_DISCONNECTION (101) event for the Baseband connection.
BT_ROLE_SWITCH_EVENT This structure stores information about the BTE_ROLE_SWITCH (102) event.
BT_MODE_CHANGE_EVENT This structure stores information about the BTE_MODE_CHANGE event (103).
BT_LINK_KEY_EVENT This structure stores information about the pairing events, BTE_KEY_NOTIFY (200) and BTE_KEY_REVOKED (201).

See Also

Bluetooth | Bluetooth Reference

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