
Bluetooth Application Development for Windows Mobile-based Devices

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Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology that allows devices to communicate with each other, within a range of up to approximately 100 meters. The discovery process enables devices to query other devices about the services they offer. If a device offers more than one service, the user can select the services they want to use from that particular device. This technology enables devices to communicate without physical cables. Wireless headsets and hands-free calling devices, GPS devices, modems, and keyboards are prime examples of devices using Bluetooth technology.

Note   The range varies depending on the signal strength of the device.

Bluetooth has adopted a common data and object specification that enables devices to communicate over a wireless connection in a standard way. This allows applications to use typical interfaces when exchanging data, business cards, and calendar entries.

The Bluetooth stack implementation is modular. It is a general-purpose software stack, and is linked by default, or modularized to meet specific usage scenarios and OEM needs. In Microsoft® Windows® CE, the primary way an application can use Bluetooth is through the Winsock interface, which exposes RFCOMM protocol. Virtual COM ports are also exposed, but this interface is designed to be enabled under existing OS services such as UNIMODEM, GPS, or terminal emulators. By using various protocols and profiles, Bluetooth can be implemented to perform the following tasks:

  • Connect to a modem through a cellular phone.
  • Connect to a local area network (LAN) access point.
  • Enable object exchange and synchronization using the Object Exchange Protocol (OBEX).
  • Use wireless headset and hands-free devices to handle calls on a cellular phone.
  • Transfer data from a desktop computer to a mobile device over a wireless connection.

For more information about Bluetooth technology, see this Official Bluetooth Wireless Info Web site.

In this Section

See Also

Bluetooth | Bluetooth Samples

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