
InkEdit.Cursor Property

InkEdit.Cursor Property

Gets or sets the Cursor Leave Site that appears when the mouse pointer is over the control.


Visual Basic .NET Overrides Public Property Cursor As Cursor
C# public override Cursor Cursor { get; set; }
Managed C++ public: __property virtual Cursor* get_Cursor();
public: __property virtual void set_Cursor(Cursor*);

Property Value

System.Windows.Forms.Cursor. The cursor that appears when the mouse pointer is over the control.

This property is read/write. This property has no default value.


The Cursor property overrides the Cursor Leave Site property of the System.Windows.Forms.Control Leave Site class.

If you set the Cursor property to System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Leave Site, the behavior of the mouse cursor is based on the drawing attributes of the current cursor in view. If you disable the object while keeping the default cursor setting, the cursor override is disabled and the mouse cursor setting is based on the underlying windows mouse cursor attributes. Setting the cursor to null also disables the object's cursor handling.

If the cursor is set to anything but Default Leave Site, the object always uses that cursor whether or not the object is enabled.

See Also