
Columns Property

Columns Property

Gets or sets the number of columns in the guide box.



[propput] HRESULT put_Columns ([in] long Columns);
[propget] HRESULT get_Columns ([out, retval] long* Columns);

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Property Get Columns() As Long
Public Property Let Columns(ByVal theColumns As Long)

Property Value

long The number of columns in the guide box.

This property is read/write.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
E_POINTER The context is invalid or the parameter is an invalid pointer.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred inside the method.


Column width is determined by the size of the drawn box. To get or set the drawn box, use the DrawnBox property.

Use the values of Columns and Rows to control the kind of recognition input that you use. When Columns and Rows are both greater than zero, boxed input is used. The following table lists potential input modes and which values to set the Columns and Rows properties for each mode.

For this type of input Set the Rows property to And set the Columns property to
Free input 0 0
Vertical Lined input with 1 line 0 1
Vertical Lined input with n lines 0 n
Horizontal Lined input with 1 line 1 0
Horizontal Lined input with n lines n 0
Boxed input with 1 box 1 1
Boxed input in a horizontal line with n boxes n 1
Boxed input in a grid of boxes x rows by z columns x z


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example sets all of the values in the guide simultaneously.

Private Sub ResetGuideSettings( _
ByRef theRecognizerGuide As InkRecognizerGuide, _
ByVal columns As Integer, _
ByVal rows As Integer, _
ByVal midline As Integer, _
ByVal drawnBox As InkRectangle, _
ByVal writingBox As InkRectangle)
    theRecognizerGuide.columns = columns
    theRecognizerGuide.rows = rows
    theRecognizerGuide.midline = midline
    theRecognizerGuide.drawnBox = drawnBox
    theRecognizerGuide.writingBox = writingBox
End Sub

Applies To