
BezierCusps Property

BezierCusps Property

Gets an array that contains the indices of the cusps of the Bezier approximation of the stroke.



[propget] HRESULT get_BezierCusps ([out, retval] VARIANT* BezierCusps);

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Property Get BezierCusps() As Variant

Property Value

VARIANT An array of integers for the indices of the points that are the cusps of the Bezier approximation of the stroke.

This property is read-only.

For more information about the VARIANT structure, see Using the Automation Library.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
E_POINTER Parameter pointer was NULL or invalid.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Cannot allocate memory for the points.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred inside the method.


Note: The array of Bezier control points that the BezierPoints property returns are made up of x and y values. The BezierCusps property refers only to the x values in this array. The y values can be retrieved by an action similar to the following below.

A cusp is a point on the stroke where the direction of writing changes in a discontinuous fashion. For example, if the stroke represents the capital letter "L", this property returns three cusps: two corresponding to the first and last control points on the stroke and the third representing the corner of the "L".

The following code extracts the x and y values of the Bezier cusps of an IInkStrokeDisp, theStroke, and stores them in a two-dimensional array called BezierCuspValues.

'Store the cusps in an array
Dim TheCusps As Variant
TheCusps = theStroke.BezierCusps

'Create a dynamic array to hold the cusp point values
Dim BezierCuspValues As Variant
ReDim BezierCuspValues(UBound(theCusps), 1)

'Populate the dynamic array with the actual cusp point values
For i = 0 To UBound(TheCusps)
    BezierCuspValues(i, 0) = theStroke.BezierPoints(2 * theCusps(i))
    BezierCuspValues(i, 1) = theStroke.BezierPoints(2 * theCusps(i) + 1)


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example demonstrates displaying several kinds of information that is recorded with each IInkStrokeDisp object. The calling program uses menu items to toggle the display of each strokes points, Bezier points, Bezier cusps, and self-intersections. The InkRenderer object's InkSpaceToPixelFromPoints method is used to convert the points for display. The LocatePoint function is used to interpolate the locations of the self-intersections. This example starts with a Standard exe application and adds a reference to the Microsoft Tablet PC Type Library, and adds a menu with menu items including MenuFileExit, MenuDemoAllPoints, MenuDemoCusps, MenuDemoPoints, and MenuDemoSelfIntersections.

Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Dim WithEvents theInkCollector As InkCollector

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Me.ScaleMode = vbPixels
    Set theInkCollector = New InkCollector
    theInkCollector.hWnd = Me.hWnd
    theInkCollector.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Paint()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim theStrokes As InkStrokes
    Set theStrokes = theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes
    Dim theStroke As IInkStrokeDisp
    For Each theStroke In theStrokes
        Dim ptBezierPoints() As Long
        ptBezierPoints = theStroke.BezierPoints
        Dim ptStrokePoints() As Long
        ptStrokePoints = theStroke.GetPoints()
        theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixelFromPoints Me.hDC, ptBezierPoints
        theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixelFromPoints Me.hDC, ptStrokePoints
        If MenuDemoCusps.Checked Then
            Dim theCusps() As Long
            theCusps = theStroke.BezierCusps
            For i = 0 To UBound(theCusps)
                'Draw a little rectangle around each Bezier cusp.
                Dim cuspX As Long
                Dim cuspY As Long
                cuspX = ptBezierPoints(theCusps(i) * 2)
                cuspY = ptBezierPoints(theCusps(i) * 2 + 1)
                Line (cuspX - 2, cuspY - 2)-Step(5, 5), vbRed, B
        End If
        If MenuDemoPoints.Checked Then
            For i = 0 To UBound(ptBezierPoints) Step 2
                'Draw a little diagonal line up from each Bezier point.
                Line (ptBezierPoints(i), ptBezierPoints(i + 1)) _
                    -Step(4, -4), vbBlue
        End If
        If MenuDemoAllPoints.Checked Then
            For i = 0 To UBound(ptStrokePoints) Step 2
                'Draw a little diagonal line down from each point.
                Line (ptStrokePoints(i), ptStrokePoints(i + 1)) _
                    -Step(-4, 5), vbMagenta
        End If
        If MenuDemoSelfIntersections.Checked Then
            Dim theSelfIntersectionLocationsArray() As Single
            theSelfIntersectionLocationsArray = theStroke.SelfIntersections
            Dim theSelfIntersectionLocation As Variant
            For Each theSelfIntersectionLocation In theSelfIntersectionLocationsArray
                Dim pt() As Long
                pt = LocatePoint(theStroke, theSelfIntersectionLocation)
                theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel Me.hDC, pt(0), pt(1)
                'Draw a little circle around each intersection.
                Circle (pt(0), pt(1)), 7, vbRed
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub MenuDemoAllPoints_Click()
    MenuDemoAllPoints.Checked = Not MenuDemoAllPoints.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub MenuDemoCusps_Click()
    MenuDemoCusps.Checked = Not MenuDemoCusps.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub MenuDemoPoints_Click()
    MenuDemoPoints.Checked = Not MenuDemoPoints.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub MenuDemoSelfIntersections_Click()
    MenuDemoSelfIntersections.Checked = _
        Not MenuDemoSelfIntersections.Checked
End Sub

Private Sub MenuFileExit_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

'This function returns the approximate point along
'a stroke represented by a Single, as a Point.
Private Function LocatePoint( _
ByVal theStroke As IInkStrokeDisp, _
ByVal theFIndex As Single) As Long()
    Dim theResult(1) As Long
    'Get the two nearest points to the point of interest.
    Dim ptStrokePoints() As Long
    ptStrokePoints = theStroke.GetPoints(Int(theFIndex), 2)
    If UBound(ptStrokePoints) < 2 Then
        'This must be an end point.
        theResult(0) = ptStrokePoints(0)
        theResult(1) = ptStrokePoints(1)
        'Get fractional part to interpolate the distance
        'between the points.
        Dim theFraction As Single
        theFraction = theFIndex - Int(theFIndex)
        Dim deltaX As Integer
        deltaX = _
            CInt((ptStrokePoints(2) - ptStrokePoints(0)) * theFraction)
        Dim deltaY As Integer
        deltaY = _
            CInt((ptStrokePoints(3) - ptStrokePoints(1)) * theFraction)
        'Return the interpolated point.
        theResult(0) = ptStrokePoints(0) + deltaX
        theResult(1) = ptStrokePoints(1) + deltaY
    End If
    LocatePoint = theResult
End Function

Private Sub theInkCollector_Stroke( _
ByVal Cursor As MSINKAUTLib.IInkCursor, _
ByVal Stroke As MSINKAUTLib.IInkStrokeDisp, _
Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub

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