
Cobranding Registration Pages

Cobranding Registration Pages

The following is an illustration of the areas of the Registration server's "form field" (initial registration) page that can be cobranded using flexible-layout cobranding. To the right of the figure is the cobranding template code that created the screen. Each portion of cobranding template code is approximately aligned with the rendered page element it produced.

Simple Example of Cobranding the Registration Server


Variable Reference: Registration Server Flexible-Layout Cobranding

The following are the variables you specify for flexible-layout cobranding of the .NET Passport Registration pages:

  • CBRegistrationHead
    Specifies the content in the HEAD section of the registration pages, including any error pages.

  • CBRegistrationBody
    Specifies the content in the BODY section of the registration pages, including any error pages. The token "PASSPORT_UI" must appear somewhere within this variable, at the point in the HTML structure where the .NET Passport registration interface is to be displayed. This token is case-sensitive and should be all uppercase. This interface takes up considerably more room than the sign-in interface, so allow the necessary space in your design.

  • CBRegistrationOnLoad
    Optional. Contains a statement to be executed when the JavaScript body onLoad() event is fired. Do not include the SCRIPT tags; this string will be injected into a preexisting script tag in the registration page.

Example of a Cobranding Template

The following example assumes either that only the Registration page is being cobranded, or that the cobranding template is being produced by server-interpreted code that generates a file tailored specifically for cobranding the Registration server (based on handling the PP_SERVICE query string parameter on the URL that requested the cobranding template file). Otherwise, the cobranding template output should include variables for all of the pages being cobranded by the participating site. The example combines the snippets seen on the right side of the preceding figure and also adds a CBRegistrationHead variable.

// file cobrand.js
var CBRegistrationHead="<STYLE>.mystyle {font-face: arial}</STYLE>"
var CBRegistrationBody = "<BLOCKQUOTE><H1>My Site presents Microsoft .NET Passport Registration</H1>";
CBRegistrationBody += "<P>The section below is the actual registration interface for .NET Passport. ";
CBRegistrationBody += "See <A HREF='https://www.passport.com' TARGET='_new'>the .NET Passport site</A> ";
CBRegistrationBody += "for more information about .NET Passport.";
CBRegistrationBody += "<P>PASSPORT_UI"; //the token
CBRegistrationBody += "<P>Fill in all the information above and click the <B>Continue</B> button.";
CBRegistrationBody += "</BLOCKQUOTE>";

Another Example

The preceding example was necessarily under-designed so that the actual cobranding code used to create it could be shown alongside. For a more design-oriented illustration of what is possible when cobranding the Registration server, see this example.

Confirmation Page

The Registration server actually serves two consecutive pages to a prospective user during the registration process. The first page is a form page on which the user fills out all required fields. If fields are not filled out completely or correctly, error pages are displayed to the user until the input in the error pages themselves is correct. After the fields have been corrected and submitted, a confirmation page is displayed to the new user. The confirmation page serves the purpose of reminding the new user of his or her .NET Passport sign-in name.

Participating sites can supply a cobranded message to be displayed on this confirmation page using the cobranding variable CBRegTxt2. Generally, the CBRegTxt2 variable is used to include text congratulating new .NET Passport users and letting them know what to do next. Typically, the next step is for the user to click the Continue at [participating site name] link which also appears on the confirmation page, and which participating sites may wish to document in their own words.

Users who reach the confirmation page are signed in with their new .NET Passport. Users who return to a participating site from the confirmation page have a fresh Ticket and Profile on the incoming query string.

Error Pages

Error pages may appear if the form fields submitted during the registration process are invalid in some way. For example, the user may have entered two non-matching passwords, submitted a sign-in name that already exists, or submitted a postal code that could not be validated against a supplied U.S. state. Error pages are all cobranded with the same flexible-layout cobranding information as is used for the initial registration form.

See Also

.NET Passport Cobranding Overview | Cobranding Login Pages