

Context-Sensitive Cobranding

Microsoft® .NET Passport allows you to provide different cobranding text and graphics depending on which of the .NET Passport service pages a user is viewing. For example, cobranding on a "bad password" sign-in error page can be different from that on an "unknown user" error page.

To accomplish context-sensitive cobranding, two query string parameters are passed to your cobranding template file when it is called from one of the .NET Passport service pages. The PP_SERVICE parameter indicates whether the user is on a Registration page, a Login page, or one of the Member Services pages. The possible values for the PP_SERVICE parameter are shown in the following table.

A second parameter, PP_PAGE, indicates from which specific page the cobranding template is being called. Within your cobranding template JavaScript file, you can evaluate the PP_PAGE and PP_SERVICE parameters to specify separate HTML content for each type of service or for individual service pages.

The PP_PAGE parameter is associated with another .NET Passport feature called Pane Help. Each PP_PAGE value is equivalent to the Pane Help keyword for each page. This allows you to cobrand the page and, when appropriate, call the correct context-sensitive Help topics. For more information, see Implementing Pane Help in .NET Passport.

PP_PAGE Values Sorted By PP_SERVICE Group

The following pages and corresponding PP_PAGE parameters belong to PP_SERVICE=registration.

Page name PP_PAGE parameter and Pane Help keyword (H_KEY)
Registration ppRegEASI
Registration ppRegEASIErr
Registration ppRegEASIcookie (Note  Not handled.)
Registration ppRegEASIcookieErr (Note  Not handled.)
Registration ppRegNonEASI
Registration ppRegNonEASIErr
Registration ppRegNonEASIAltNames
Congratulations ppRegCongrats
You are already signed in ppExpLoggedIn
Parent is not signed in ppExpParentNotLoggedIn
Unknown server error ppExpUnknownSerErr
Complete your Passport registration ppExistingMember

The following pages and corresponding PP_PAGE parameters belong to PP_SERVICE=login.

Page name PP_PAGE parameter and Pane Help keyword (H_KEY)
Please sign in ppLogin
Please try again later ppLockedOut
Account Locked ppAcctLocked
Cookies disabled ppCookiesDisabled
Invalid Site ID ppInvalidSiteID
Need birth date ppNeedBirthDate
Switch User ppSwitchUser
ErrMemberNotExist ppErrMemberNotExist
Passport Partner error ppTooManyReqs
Sign out ppLogout
Your e-mail address is managed ppDelegated Admin
Please sign in ppNeedCred
Please sign in ppNeedMembername
Please sign in ppNeedPassword
Please sign in ppNeedDomain
Please sign in ppBadPswd
Please sign in ppBadChar
Please sign in ppBadMembername
Please sign in ppHMMSNLogin
Please sign in ppChkSpell

The following pages and corresponding PP_PAGE parameters belong to PP_SERVICE=memberservices.

Page name PP_PAGE parameter and Pane Help keyword (H_KEY)
Reset your password (Step 1) ppPswdReset1
Reset your password (Step 1) ppPswdReset1Err
Reset your password (Step 2) ppPswdReset2
Reset your password (Step 2) ppPswdReset2Err
Password reset canceled ppPswdResetLockout
Password reset ppPswdResetSucc
Reset your password by e-mail ppEmailPswdReset
Password reset e-mail sent ppEmailPswdResetSent
Reset your password ppEmailPswdReset2
Cannot reset password by e-mail ppEmailPswdResetNotPoss
Password reset canceled ppEmailPswdResetCancl
Change your secret question ppChangeSQ
Change your secret question ppChangeSQErr
Secret question changed ppChangeSQSucc
Change your Password ppChangePW
Change your Password ppChangePWErr
Password changed ppChangePWSucc
Change your e-mail address ppChangeEmail
Change your e-mail address ppChangeEmailErr
E-mail address changed ppChangeEmailSucc
Please change your e-mail address ppForceChangeEmail
Please change your e-mail address ppForceChangeEmailErr
Change phone number and PIN ppChangePhone
Change phone number and PIN ppChangePhoneErr
Phone number and PIN changed ppChangePhoneSucc
Your Passport profile ppEditProf
Your Passport profile ppEditProfErr
Profile updated ppEditProfSucc
Passport Member Services ppMemServHome
Add your phone number ppAddPhone
Add your phone number ppAddPhoneErr
Phone number added ppAddPhoneSucc
Contact Us ppContactUs
Support request received ppContactUsSucc
Contact Us Hotmail ppContactUs
Support request received Hotmail ppContactUsSucc

Language-Specific Cobranding

In addition to the PP_PAGE and PP_SERVICE query string parameters, Microsoft .NET Passport will also provide a parameter called lid. This value of this parameter is the same as the value of the lang_id parameter of the Passport Manager function call that directed the user to the .NET Passport service page. For more information, see Language Support.