
IMSVidStreamBufferSource2 Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IMSVidStreamBufferSource2 Interface

This topic applies to Update Rollup 2 for Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005.

The IMSVidStreamBufferSource2 interface represents the Stream Buffer Source filter within the Video Control.

In addition to the methods inherited from IMSVidStreamBufferSource, the IMSVidStreamBufferSource2 interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_AudioCounter Enables the caller to get performance statistics from the Stream Buffer Source for the audio stream.
get_CCCounter Enables the caller to get performance statistics from the Stream Buffer Source for the closed captioning stream.
get_VideoCounter Enables the caller to get performance statistics from the Stream Buffer Source for the video stream.
get_WSTCounter Enables the caller to get performance statistics from the Stream Buffer Source for the World Standard Teletext (WST) stream.
put_RateEx Sets the playback rate, and sets the frame rate for fast-forward play ("trick mode").

See Also