
IFullScreenVideoEx Interface

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IFullScreenVideoEx Interface

The IFullScreenVideoEx interface is implemented on the Full Screen Renderer filter, which provides full-screen video rendering on older hardware. Newer video cards can stretch the video efficiently enough that the Full Screen Renderer is not required. Therefore, both the filter and this interface are now deprecated.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IFullScreenVideoEx interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
CountModes Retrieves the number of display modes that the Full Screen Renderer supports.
GetAcceleratorTable Retrieves the accelerator table currently being used to translate keyboard messages. (Not supported.)
GetCaption Retrieves the caption associated with the full-screen window.
GetClipFactor Retrieves the clip factor, which determines how much of the video the Full Screen Renderer is allowed to clip.
GetCurrentMode Retrieves the current display mode.
GetMessageDrain Retrieves the window that receives mouse and keyboard messages.
GetModeInfo Retrieves information about a specified display mode.
GetMonitor Queries which monitor the Full Screen Renderer is using. (Not supported.)
HideOnDeactivate Specifies the behavior when the user switches to another application.
IsHideOnDeactivate Indicates the behavior when the user switches to another application.
IsKeepPixelAspectRatio Queries whether the pixel aspect ratio is maintained. (Not supported.)
IsModeAvailable Queries whether a specified display mode is available.
IsModeEnabled Queries whether a specified display mode is enabled.
KeepPixelAspectRatio Specifies whether to maintain the pixel aspect ratio. (Not supported.)
SetAcceleratorTable Specifies an accelerator table that will be used to translate keyboard messages. (Not supported.)
SetCaption Sets the caption associated with the full-screen window.
SetClipFactor Specifies the clip factor.
SetDefault Saves the current settings.
SetEnabled Enables or disables a specified display mode.
SetMessageDrain Specifies a window to receive mouse and keyboard messages from the video window.
SetMonitor Specifies which monitor to use. (Not supported.)


Header: Declared in Amvideo.h; include Dshow.h.

Library: Use Strmiids.lib.