

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0


This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The MostRestrictiveRating method compares two ratings and returns the more restrictive of the two.


  HRESULT MostRestrictiveRating(
  EnTvRat_System  enSystem1,
  EnTvRat_GenericLevel  enEnLevel1,
  LONG  lbfEnAttr1,
  EnTvRat_System  enSystem2,
  EnTvRat_GenericLevel  enEnLevel2,
  LONG  lbfEnAttr2,
  EnTvRat_System*  penSystem,
  EnTvRat_GenericLevel*  penEnLevel,
  LONG*  plbfEnAttr



[in]  The rating system of the first rating to compare, specified as a member of the EnTvRat_System enumeration.


[in]  The rating level of the first rating, specified as a member of the EnTvRat_GenericLevel enumeration.


[in]  Specifies the content attributes of the first rating, as a bitwise combination of flags from the BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes enumeration.


[in]  The rating system of the second rating to compare, specified as a member of the EnTvRat_System enumeration.


[in]  The rating level of the second rating, specified as a member of the EnTvRat_GenericLevel enumeration.


[in]  Specifies the content attributes of the second rating, as a bitwise combination of flags from the BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes enumeration.


[out]  Receives the rating system of the more restrictive rating.


[out]  Receives the rating level of the more restrictive rating.


[out]  Receives a bitwise combination of flags from the BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes enumeration.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include those in the following table.

Value Description
E_POINTER NULL pointer argument.
S_FALSE The ratings are from two different rating systems.
S_OK The method succeeded.


This method enables the client to determine which of two ratings is more restrictive. For example, in the MPAA system, PG is more restrictive than R. The more restrictive rating is returned in the penSystem, penEnLevel, and plbfEnAttr parameters.

When the method compares ratings from two different ratings systems, it returns a rating expressed in the first system, unless the first system is unknown (TvRat_SystemDontKnow). In that case, it returns a rating using the second system.

The method returns S_FALSE if the ratings systems are not the same. There may not be an exact mapping between the two systems.


Header: Tvratings.h.

See Also