

The PF_PARSERINFO structure defines one parser at a time. In the PF_PARSERINFO structure, a parser is defined by the information about the protocol that the parser detects.

typedef struct _PF_PARSERINFO {
  char szProtocolName[MAX_PROTOCOL_NAME_LEN];
  char szHelpFile[MAX_PATH];
  PPF_FOLLOWSET pWhoCanPrecedeMe;
  PPF_FOLLOWSET pWhoCanFollowMe;


  • szProtocolName
    Name of the protocol that the parser detects.
  • szComment
    Brief description of the protocol.
  • szHelpFile
    Name of the protocol Help file, if any.
  • pWhoCanPrecedeMe
    Pointer to a PF_FOLLOWSET structure that lists the protocols that can precede the protocol the PF_PARSERINFO structure describes. Network Monitor adds the parser protocol to the follow set of all the protocols in the set.
  • pWhoCanFollowMe
    Pointer to a PF_FOLLOWSET structure that lists the protocol that can follow the protocol the PF_PARSERINFO structure describes. Network Monitor adds the protocols of the set to the follow set of the parser protocol.
  • pWhoHandsOffToMe
    Pointer to a PF_HANDOFFSET structure that hands-off to the protocol that the PF_PARSERINFO structure describes. Network Monitor adds the parser protocol to the handoff sets of all the protocols in the set.
  • pWhoDoIHandOffTo
    Pointer to a PF_HANDOFFSET structure that lists the protocols that the parser protocol hands off to. Network Monitor adds the protocols of this set to the handoff set of the parser protocol.


The PF_PARSERINFO structure is used in the PF_PARSERDLLINFO structure to provide a description of a parser. Network Monitor uses the parser description to update the Parser.ini file, and the INI files of the parsers that precede and follow the protocol described in the PF_PARSERINFO structure.

A follow set specifies the protocols that follow a protocol. Network Monitor uses a follow set when the parser cannot identify the next protocol from the data in a protocol instance. A follow set is stored in the Parser.ini file. When the parser is installed for the first time, Network Monitor updates the follow set of the parser protocols that are listed in pWhoCanPrecedeMe and pWhoCanFollowMe.

A handoff set specifies the protocols that follow a protocol. The parser uses a handoff set only when the parser can identify the next protocol from the data in a protocol instance. A handoff set is stored in the INI files of each parser. When the parser is installed for the first time, Network Monitor updates the handoff set of the parser protocols that are listed in pWhoHandsOffToMe and pWhoDoIHandOffTo.

For information on See
What parsers are, and how they work with Network Monitor. Parsers
What follow sets contain. Specifying a Follow Set
What handoff sets contain. Specifying a Handoff Set
What entry points are included in the parser DLL. Parser DLL Architecture
How to implement ParserAutoInstallInfo— includes an example. Implementing ParserAutoInstallInfo


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Declared in Netmon.h.

See Also