

The Stop method stops the current capture.



  • lpStats
    [out] Pointer to a STATISTICS structure that contains network statistics such as total frames and total bytes captured.

Return Values

If the method is successful, the return value is NMERR_SUCCESS.

If the method is unsuccessful, the return value is one of the following error codes:

Return code Description
NMERR_NOT_CONNECTED The NPP is not connected to the network. Call IDelaydC::Connect to connect the NPP to the network.
NMERR_NOT_CAPTURING The NPP is not capturing data. Call IDelaydC::Start to start the capture.
NMERR_NOT_DELAYED The NPP is connected to the network but not with the IDelaydC::Connect method.


When IDelaydC::Stop is called, Network Monitor stops capturing data and closes the capture file. (The name of the capture file was returned when IDelaydC::Start was called). You can now look at the contents of the capture file.

When you stop and start the capture, make sure you call the IDelaydC::Configure method each time you call IDelaydC::Start to restart the capture.


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Declared in Netmon.h.

DLL Requires Ndisnpp.dll. Requires Rmtnpp.dll.

See Also

IDelaydC::Connect, IDelaydC::Configure, IDelaydC::Start, STATISTICS