

The Configure function configures the expert within the expert DLL.

The expert must implement the Configure function. When the function call is received, the expert displays a dialog box that enables the user to change any configurable item.



  • hExpertKey
    [in] Unique expert identifier.

    The unique identifier is passed back on all expert-specific Network Monitor functions. Be aware that the identifier may not be the same expert key as the one passed to the Run function. Do not store the expert key from the Configure call.

  • ppConfig
    [in, out] A pointer to a pointer to an EXPERTCONFIG structure upon entry.

    After a successful exit, the referenced EXPERTCONFIG structure contains the new configuration data.

  • pExpertStartupInfo
    [in] A pointer to the capture element with focus when the expert started.

  • StartupFlags
    [in] The flags that indicate how the expert should use the pExpertStartupInfo parameter. The only flag defined is EXPERT_STARTUP_FLAG_USE_STARTUP_DATA_OVER_CONFIG_DATA. The flag indicates that the expert will use the pExpertStartupInfo parameter rather than the ppConfig parameter that passed in. Typically, you set the flag when you start the expert from a context menu.

  • hWnd
    [in] A handle to the parent window. Use the handle to open a dialog box.

Return Values

If the function is successful (that is, if a current configuration exists), the return value is TRUE.

If the function is unsuccessful, the return value is FALSE.


Network Monitor calls the Configure function with the current configuration of the expert, if one exists. The expert displays a dialog box, with which you can change any configurable item.

When ppConfig is passed in and Network Monitor does not have a configuration stored for the specified expert, the parameter value can be NULL. In this case, the Configure function assumes hard-coded default values (or, uses the startup information) to open the dialog box.

The configuration data can also be NULL when the Configure function returns, and a NULL was passed-in. This situation occurs when Network Monitor does not have a stored default, and the user presses Cancel.

The beginning of the EXPERTCONFIG data structure includes a Private section that stores the structure size information. The size of the EXPERTCONFIG structure should include the reserved DWORD length that appears at the beginning of the structure. For example, if your configuration data requires 20 bytes of storage space, allocate 24 bytes to store the data. If a ppConfig is NULL, the Configure function calls the ExpertAllocMemory function to allocate a new configuration that is the correct size. If the buffer is not enough to hold the expert data, the expert should call the ExpertReallocMemory function.


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Declared in Netmon.h.