

The AttachPropertyInstanceEx function maps an existing property to a specific location in the recognized data, and modifies the value of the property data.

BOOL WINAPIAttachPropertyInstanceEx(HFRAMEhFrame,


  • hFrame
    [in] Handle to the frame that is being parsed. Use the handle passed to the parser DLL in the hFrame parameter of the AttachProperties function.

  • hProperty
    [in] Handle to a PROPERTYINFO structure that defines the property. When you implement the Register export function you specify the PROPERTYINFO structure that defines the property.

  • Length
    [in] Length of the data for this instance of the property.

  • lpData
    [in] Pointer to the location in the recognized data where the property value is located. Use the pointer passed to the parser DLL in the lpProtocol parameter of the AttachProperties function.

  • LengthEx
    [in] Length of the extended data — length in bytes.

  • lpDataEx
    [in] Pointer to the extended data, which is typically a stack variable that contains the extend data.

  • HelpID
    [in] Identifier (from 0 to 2047) used to set context-sensitive Help for a property.

    The HelpID number is relative to the Help file associated with the protocol property database.

  • IndentLevel
    [in] Indentation level (from 0 to 15) used to display a property hierarchically.

    Network Monitor uses levels 0 through 9. Level 15 is a special value that allows the parser to attach a hidden property that is not visible.

  • IFlags
    [in] A BIT field value that indicates the order of the BITs within a property. Previous parsers that set fError to 0 or 1, should now set fError to IFLAG_ERROR. Set this parameter to one of the following values.

    Value Meaning
    IFLAG_ERROR Data in the frame has an error.
    IFLAG_SWAPPED At attach time, WORD byte is a non-Intel format.
    IFLAG_UNICODE At attach time, STRING is Unicode.

Return Values

If the function is successful, the return value is TRUE.

If the function is unsuccessful, the return value is FALSE.


The AttachPropertyInstanceEx function is called during the implementation of the AttachProperties export function. When a property is attached to the data using AttachPropertyInstanceEx, Network Monitor creates a PROPERTYINST structure that defines the instance of the attached property and a PROPERTYINSTEX structure that defines the extended data.

If AttachPropertyInstanceEx is called and no extended data is provided, the lpDataEx parameter is NULL or the LengthEx parameter is 0, the AttachPropertyInstanceEx call is functionally equivalent to an AttachPropertyInstance call.

During the implementation of AttachProperties, call AttachPropertyInstance to use the data as it exists in the capture. You can also call AttachPropertyInstanceEx function to modify the property data. However, it is advised that you use the data as it exists in the capture.


Client Requires Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Server Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Declared in Netmon.h.


Link to Nmapi.lib.

DLL Requires Nmapi.dll.