
System.DirectoryServices Namespace Overview

System.DirectoryServices is a namespace in the Microsoft .NET Framework that provides simple programming access to LDAP directories such as Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services. System.DirectoryServices is built on the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) API. For more information about ADSI, see the topic "Active Directory Service Interfaces" in the MSDN Library at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=27252.

This guide is a supplement to information that is available in the .NET Framework programming guide, and provides background information about System.DirectoryServices, information about how to use System.DirectoryServices, and programming code examples. The .NET Framework programming guide contains all reference information for the System.DirectoryServices namespace.

Where Applicable

System administrators can use System.DirectoryServices to automate tasks that manage objects in the directory.

Developer Audience

System administrators can use System.DirectoryServices to manage network resources, such as users and computers that are stored in a directory. Developers can use System.DirectoryServices to build applications that search, create, or modify objects in a directory.

Run-Time Requirements

System.DirectoryServices is supported on . System.DirectoryServices can be redistributed on Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows NT 4.0, as long as the DS Client is installed on client computers. It can also be redistributed on Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

See Also




About System.DirectoryServices
Using System.DirectoryServices

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