

IIS includes a pointer to this structure when it is writing information to a log file. If your filter should be notified for this event, it should register for the SF_NOTIFY_LOG event.

      const CHAR * pszClientHostName;
      const CHAR * pszClientUserName;
      const CHAR * pszServerName;
      const CHAR * pszOperation;
      const CHAR * pszTarget;
      const CHAR * pszParameters;
      DWORD dwHttpStatus;
      DWORD dwWin32Status;
      DWORD dwBytesSent;
      DWORD dwBytesRecvd;
      DWORD msTimeForProcessing;


  • pszClientHostName
    The client's host name.

  • pszClientUserName
    The client's user name.

  • pszServerName
    The name of the server to which the client is connected.

  • pszOperation
    The HTTP operation type.

  • pszTarget
    The target of the HTTP command.

  • pszParameters
    The parameters passed to the HTTP command.

  • dwHttpStatus
    The HTTP return status.

  • dwWin32Status
    The Win32 error code.

  • dwBytesSent
    The number of bytes sent from the server to the client.

  • dwBytesRecvd
    The number of bytes received by the server from the client.

  • msTimeForProcessing
    The time in milliseconds required to process the client request.


When the server is about to log information to the server log file, this structure is pointed to by the pvNotification parameter in the HttpFilterProc function when the notificationType parameter is SF_NOTIFY_LOG. The strings cannot be changed, but the string pointers can be replaced. If string pointers are changed, the memory they point to must remain valid until the next filter notification. The AllocMem Function callback function in the HTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT structure can be used to ensure this.


Client: Requires Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.

Server: Requires Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0.

Product: IIS

Header: Declared in httpfilt.h.