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您可以將拖放事件的處理常式加入至您的 DSL,以便使用者可以從其他圖表或 Visual Studio 的其他部分,拖曳項目到您的圖表上。 您也可以加入按兩下等事件的處理常式。 拖放和按兩下處理常式,即為 軌跡處理常式。
本主題討論源自其他圖表的拖放軌跡。 若為單一圖表內的移動和複製事件,請考慮改為定義 ElementOperations
的子類別。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 自訂複製行為。 您也可以自訂 DSL 定義。
定義軌跡處理常式覆寫 ShapeElement 方法。 您可以覆寫
和其他方法。使用 MEF 來定義軌跡處理常式。 如果您想讓協力廠商的開發人員能夠自行定義要加入至您的 DSL 的處理常式,請使用這個方法。 使用者可以在安裝您的 DSL 之後,選擇安裝協力廠商擴充功能。
如何解碼拖曳的項目。 您可以從任何視窗或從桌面拖曳項目,也可以從 DSL 拖曳項目。
如何取得原始拖曳項目。 如果拖曳的項目是 DSL 項目,您可以開啟來源模型並存取此項目。
使用滑鼠動作︰ 拖曳區間項目。 這個範例示範可攔截圖形欄位上之滑鼠動作的低階處理常式。 這個範例讓使用者使用滑鼠拖曳,來重新排序區間中的項目。
藉由覆寫 ShapeElement 方法來定義軌跡處理常式
將新的程式碼檔案加入至您的 DSL 專案。 在軌跡處理常式中,您通常必須至少有下列 using
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams;
using System.Linq;
在新檔案中,針對應該回應拖曳作業的圖形或圖表類別定義部分類別。 覆寫下列方法:
OnDragOver-當滑鼠指標在拖曳作業期間進入圖形時,會呼叫這個方法。 您的方法應該會檢查使用者拖曳的項目,並設定 Effect 屬性,指出使用者是否可將項目放在此圖形上。 Effect 屬性決定游標移至此圖形上的外觀,並決定當使用者放開滑鼠按鈕時,是否呼叫
。partial class MyShape // MyShape generated from DSL Definition. { public override void OnDragOver(DiagramDragEventArgs e) { base.OnDragOver(e); if (e.Effect == System.Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.None && IsAcceptableDropItem(e)) // To be defined { e.Effect = System.Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.Copy; } }
OnDragDrop – 會呼叫這個方法,如果使用者放開滑鼠按鈕時滑鼠指標停留在此圖形或圖表中,如果
OnDragOver(DiagramDragEventArgs e)
。public override void OnDragDrop(DiagramDragEventArgs e) { if (!IsAcceptableDropItem(e)) { base.OnDragDrop(e); } else { // Process the dragged item, for example merging a copy into the diagram ProcessDragDropItem(e); // To be defined } }
OnDoubleClick – 使用者按兩下圖形或圖表時,會呼叫這個方法。
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 How to︰ 攔截圖案或 Decorator 按一下。
定義 IsAcceptableDropItem(e)
以決定是否可接受拖曳的項目,並定義 ProcessDragDropItem(e) 以在放置項目時更新模型。 這些方法必須先從事件引數擷取項目。 如需有關如何進行這項資訊,請參閱 如何取得拖曳項目的參考。
使用 MEF 來定義軌跡處理常式
MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) 可讓您定義使用最小組態安裝的元件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)。
定義 MEF 軌跡處理常式
加入您 Dsl 和 DslPackage 專案 MefExtension 檔案中所述 使用 MEF 擴充您的 DSL。
您現在可以將軌跡處理常式定義為 MEF 元件:
// This attribute is defined in the generated file // DslPackage\MefExtension\DesignerExtensionMetaDataAttribute.cs: [MyDslGestureExtension] public class MyGestureHandlerClassName : IGestureExtension { /// <summary> /// Called to determine whether a drag onto the diagram can be accepted. /// </summary> /// <param name="diagramDragEventArgs">Contains a link to the item that is being dragged</param> /// <param name="targetMergeElement">The shape or connector that the mouse is over</param> /// <returns>True if the item can be accepted on the targetMergeElement.</returns> public bool CanDragDrop(ShapeElement targetMergeElement, DiagramDragEventArgs diagramDragEventArgs) { MyShape target = targetMergeElement as MyShape; if (target == null) return false; if (target.IsAcceptableDropItem(diagramDragEventArgs)) return true; return false; } public void OnDragDrop(ShapeElement targetDropElement, DiagramDragEventArgs diagramDragEventArgs) { MyShape target = targetMergeElement as MyShape; if (target == null || ! target.IsAcceptableDropItem(diagramDragEventArgs)) return; // Process the dragged item, for example merging a copy into the diagram: target.ProcessDragDropItem(diagramDragEventArgs); }
方法。 這些方法一開始必須先從事件引數擷取拖曳的項目。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 如何取得拖曳項目的參考。
中會提供拖曳項目的相關資訊。 由於拖曳作業可能在畫面上的任何物件上啟動,因此提供的資料可以是任何一種格式。 您的程式碼必須辨識這些格式,並且能夠處理這些格式。
若要探索拖曳來源資訊的可用格式,請在偵錯模式中執行程式碼,並在 OnDragOver()
或 CanDragDrop()
的進入點設定中斷點。 檢查 DiagramDragEventArgs
參數的值。 這項資訊提供下列兩種格式:
– 此屬性包含來源物件的序列化的版本通常在多個格式。 其最有用的函式包括:diagramEventArgs.Data.GetDataFormats() - 列出您可以解碼的拖曳物件格式。 例如,如果使用者從桌面拖曳檔案,可用的格式包括檔案名稱 ("
- 解碼指定格式的拖曳物件。 將物件轉換成適當的類型。 例如:string fileName = diagramEventArgs.Data.GetData("FileNameW") as string;
您也可以從使用您的自訂格式的來源傳輸模型匯流排參考等物件。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 傳送模型匯流排參考拖放在如何。
– 如果您要讓使用者從 DSL 或 UML 模型拖曳項目,請使用這個屬性。 項目群組原型包含一個或多個物件、連結及其屬性值。 這個屬性也可用於貼上作業及加入工具箱中的項目時。 在原型中,物件及其類型會由 GUID 識別。 例如,下列程式碼允許使用者從 UML 圖表或 [UML 模型總管] 拖曳類別項目:private bool IsAcceptableDropItem(DiagramDragEventArgs e) { return e.Prototype != null && e.Prototype.RootProtoElements.Any(element => element.DomainClassId.ToString() == "3866d10c-cc4e-438b-b46f-bb24380e1678"); // Accept UML class shapes. // Or, from another DSL: SourceNamespace.SourceShapeClass.DomainClassId }
若要接受 UML 圖形,請實驗並判斷 UML 圖形的 GUID。 請記住,任一圖表上通常有多種項目類型。 另請記住,從 DSL 或 UML 圖表拖曳的物件是圖形,而不是模型項目。
也具有屬性,指出目前的滑鼠指標位置,以及使用者是否按下 CTRL、ALT 或 SHIFT 鍵。
事件引數的 Data
和 Prototype
屬性只包含拖曳圖形的參考。 通常,如果您要在衍生自原型的目標 DSL 中以特定方式建立物件,您需要取得原始拖曳項目的存取權,例如讀取檔案內容,或巡覽至圖形所表示的模型項目。 您可以使用 Visual Studio 模型匯流排來協助達成此目標。
為模型匯流排準備 DSL 專案
使 Visual Studio 模型匯流排可存取來源 DSL:
如果尚未安裝 Visual Studio 模型匯流排擴充功能,請下載並進行安裝。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Visualization and Modeling SDK。
在 [DSL 設計工具] 中,開啟來源 DSL 的 DSL 定義檔。 以滑鼠右鍵按一下設計介面,然後按一下 [ 啟用 Modelbus。 在對話方塊中,選擇其中一個或兩個選項。 按一下 [確定]。 新專案 "ModelBus" 會隨即加入至 DSL 方案。
按一下 [ 轉換所有範本 並重建方案。
若要從來源 DSL 傳送物件
在您的 ElementOperations 子類別中,覆寫
,將模型匯流排參考 (MBR) 編碼成 IDataObject。 當使用者從來源圖表開始拖曳時,會呼叫這個方法。 接著在使用者放入目標圖表中時,IDataObject 中會提供編碼的 MBR。using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Shell; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Integration; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Integration.Shell; using System.Drawing; // PointF using System.Collections.Generic; // ICollection using System.Windows.Forms; // for IDataObject ... public class MyElementOperations : DesignSurfaceElementOperations { public override void Copy(System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject data, System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<ModelElement> elements, ClosureType closureType, System.Drawing.PointF sourcePosition) { base.Copy(data, elements, closureType, sourcePosition); // Get the ModelBus service: IModelBus modelBus = this.Store.GetService(typeof(SModelBus)) as IModelBus; DocData docData = ((VSDiagramView)this.Diagram.ActiveDiagramView).DocData; string modelFile = docData.FileName; // Get an adapterManager for the target DSL: ModelBusAdapterManager manager = (modelBus.FindAdapterManagers(modelFile).First()); ModelBusReference modelReference = manager.CreateReference(modelFile); ModelBusReference elementReference = null; using (ModelBusAdapter adapter = modelBus.CreateAdapter(modelReference)) { elementReference = adapter.GetElementReference(elements.First()); } data.SetData("ModelBusReference", elementReference); } ...}
從目標 DSL 或 UML 專案中的 DSL 接收模型匯流排參考
在目標 DSL 專案中,將專案參考加入至:
來源 DSL 專案。
來源 ModelBus 專案。
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.ExtensionEnablement; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.ExtensionEnablement; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Integration; using SourceDslNamespace; using SourceDslNamespace.ModelBusAdapters;
partial class MyTargetShape // or diagram or connector { internal void ProcessDragDropItem(DiagramDragEventArgs diagramDragEventArgs) { // Verify that we're being passed an Object Shape. ElementGroupPrototype prototype = diagramDragEventArgs.Prototype; if (prototype == null) return; if (Company.InstanceDiagrams.ObjectShape.DomainClassId != prototype.RootProtoElements.First().DomainClassId) return; // - This is an ObjectShape. // - We need to access the originating Store, find the shape, and get its object. IModelBus modelBus = targetDropElement.Store.GetService(typeof(SModelBus)) as IModelBus; // Unpack the MBR that was packed in Copy: ModelBusReference reference = diagramDragEventArgs.Data.GetData("ModelBusReference") as ModelBusReference; using (SourceDslAdapter adapter = modelBus.CreateAdapter(reference) as SourceDslAdapter) { using (ILinkedUndoTransaction t = LinkedUndoContext.BeginTransaction("doing things")) { // Quickest way to get the shape from the MBR: ObjectShape firstShape = adapter.ResolveElementReference<ObjectShape>(reference); // But actually there might be several shapes - so get them from the prototype instead: IElementDirectory remoteDirectory = adapter.Store.ElementDirectory; foreach (Guid shapeGuid in prototype.SourceRootElementIds) { PresentationElement pe = remoteDirectory.FindElement(shapeGuid) as PresentationElement; if (pe == null) continue; SourceElement instance = pe.ModelElement as SourceElement; if (instance == null) continue; // Do something with the object: instance... } t.Commit(); } } }
接受源自 UML 模型的項目
下列程式碼範例接受從 UML 圖表放置的物件。
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Uml; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Presentation; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.ExtensionEnablement; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Classes; using System; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using System.Linq; ... partial class TargetShape { internal void ProcessDragDropItem(DiagramDragEventArgs diagramDragEventArgs) { EnvDTE.DTE dte = this.Store.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as EnvDTE.DTE; // Find the UML project foreach (EnvDTE.Project project in dte.Solution.Projects) { IModelingProject modelingProject = project as IModelingProject; if (modelingProject == null) continue; // not a modeling project IModelStore store = modelingProject.Store; if (store == null) return; foreach (IDiagram dd in store.Diagrams()) { // Get Modeling.Diagram that implements UML.IDiagram: Diagram diagram = dd.GetObject<Diagram>(); foreach (Guid elementId in e.Prototype.SourceRootElementIds) { ShapeElement shape = diagram.Partition.ElementDirectory.FindElement(elementId) as ShapeElement; if (shape == null) continue; // This example assumes the shape is a UML class: IClass classElement = shape.ModelElement as IClass; if (classElement == null) continue; // Now do something with the UML class element ... } } break; // don't try any more projects } } }
使用滑鼠動作︰ 拖曳區間項目
您可以撰寫處理常式,來攔截圖形欄位上的滑鼠動作。 下列範例讓使用者使用滑鼠拖曳,來重新排序區間中的項目。
若要建置此範例中,建立方案使用 類別圖表 方案範本。 加入程式碼檔案並加入下列程式碼。 將命名空間調整成與您自己的程式碼相同的命名空間。
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Design;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
// This sample allows users to re-order items in a compartment shape by dragging.
// This example is built on the "Class Diagrams" solution template of VMSDK (DSL Tools).
// You will need to change the following domain class names to your own:
// ClassShape = a compartment shape
// ClassModelElement = the domain class displayed using a ClassShape
// This code assumes that the embedding relationships displayed in the compartments
// don't use inheritance (don't have base or derived domain relationships).
namespace Company.CompartmentDrag // EDIT.
/// <summary>
/// Manage the mouse while dragging a compartment item.
/// </summary>
public class CompartmentDragMouseAction : MouseAction
private ModelElement sourceChild;
private ClassShape sourceShape;
private RectangleD sourceCompartmentBounds;
public CompartmentDragMouseAction(ModelElement sourceChildElement, ClassShape sourceParentShape, RectangleD bounds)
: base (sourceParentShape.Diagram)
sourceChild = sourceChildElement;
sourceShape = sourceParentShape;
sourceCompartmentBounds = bounds; // For cursor.
/// <summary>
/// Call back to the source shape to drop the dragged item.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
sourceShape.DoMouseUp(sourceChild, e);
e.Handled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Ideally, this shouldn't happen. This action should only be active
/// while the mouse is still pressed. However, it can happen if you
/// move the mouse rapidly out of the source shape, let go, and then
/// click somewhere else in the source shape. Yuk.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnMouseDown(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
e.Handled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Display an appropriate cursor while the drag is in progress:
/// Up-down arrow if we are inside the original compartment.
/// No entry if we are elsewhere.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentCursor"></param>
/// <param name="diagramClientView"></param>
/// <param name="mousePosition"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override System.Windows.Forms.Cursor GetCursor(System.Windows.Forms.Cursor currentCursor, DiagramClientView diagramClientView, PointD mousePosition)
// If the cursor is inside the original compartment, show up-down cursor.
return sourceCompartmentBounds.Contains(mousePosition)
? System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.SizeNS // Up-down arrow.
: System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.No;
/// <summary>
/// Override some methods of the compartment shape.
/// *** GenerateDoubleDerived must be set for this shape in DslDefinition.dsl. ****
/// </summary>
public partial class ClassShape
/// <summary>
/// Model element that is being dragged.
/// </summary>
private static ClassModelElement dragStartElement = null;
/// <summary>
/// Absolute bounds of the compartment, used to set the cursor.
/// </summary>
private static RectangleD compartmentBounds;
/// <summary>
/// Attach mouse listeners to the compartments for the shape.
/// This is called once per compartment shape.
/// The base method creates the compartments for this shape.
/// </summary>
public override void EnsureCompartments()
foreach (Compartment compartment in this.NestedChildShapes.OfType<Compartment>())
compartment.MouseDown += new DiagramMouseEventHandler(compartment_MouseDown);
compartment.MouseUp += new DiagramMouseEventHandler(compartment_MouseUp);
compartment.MouseMove += new DiagramMouseEventHandler(compartment_MouseMove);
/// <summary>
/// Remember which item the mouse was dragged from.
/// We don't create an Action immediately, as this would inhibit the
/// inline text editing feature. Instead, we just remember the details
/// and will create an Action when/if the mouse moves off this list item.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void compartment_MouseDown(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
dragStartElement = e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType<ClassModelElement>().FirstOrDefault();
compartmentBounds = e.HitDiagramItem.Shape.AbsoluteBoundingBox;
/// <summary>
/// When the mouse moves away from the initial list item, but still inside the compartment,
/// create an Action to supervise the cursor and handle subsequent mouse events.
/// Transfer the details of the initial mouse position to the Action.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void compartment_MouseMove(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
if (dragStartElement != null)
if (dragStartElement != e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType<ClassModelElement>().FirstOrDefault())
e.DiagramClientView.ActiveMouseAction = new CompartmentDragMouseAction(dragStartElement, this, compartmentBounds);
dragStartElement = null;
/// <summary>
/// User has released the mouse button.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void compartment_MouseUp(object sender, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
dragStartElement = null;
/// <summary>
/// Forget the source item if mouse up occurs outside the
/// compartment.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
public override void OnMouseUp(DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
dragStartElement = null;
/// <summary>
/// Called by the Action when the user releases the mouse.
/// If we are still on the same compartment but in a different list item,
/// move the starting item to the position of the current one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dragFrom"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
public void DoMouseUp(ModelElement dragFrom, DiagramMouseEventArgs e)
// Original or "from" item:
ClassModelElement dragFromElement = dragFrom as ClassModelElement;
// Current or "to" item:
ClassModelElement dragToElement = e.HitDiagramItem.RepresentedElements.OfType<ClassModelElement>().FirstOrDefault();
if (dragFromElement != null && dragToElement != null)
// Find the common parent model element, and the relationship links:
ElementLink parentToLink = GetEmbeddingLink(dragToElement);
ElementLink parentFromLink = GetEmbeddingLink(dragFromElement);
if (parentToLink != parentFromLink && parentFromLink != null && parentToLink != null)
// Get the static relationship and role (= end of relationship):
DomainRelationshipInfo relationshipFrom = parentFromLink.GetDomainRelationship();
DomainRoleInfo parentFromRole = relationshipFrom.DomainRoles[0];
// Get the node in which the element is embedded, usually the element displayed in the shape:
ModelElement parentFrom = parentFromLink.LinkedElements[0];
// Same again for the target:
DomainRelationshipInfo relationshipTo = parentToLink.GetDomainRelationship();
DomainRoleInfo parentToRole = relationshipTo.DomainRoles[0];
ModelElement parentTo = parentToLink.LinkedElements[0];
// Mouse went down and up in same parent and same compartment:
if (parentTo == parentFrom && relationshipTo == relationshipFrom)
// Find index of target position:
int newIndex = 0;
var elementLinks = parentToRole.GetElementLinks(parentTo);
foreach (ElementLink link in elementLinks)
if (link == parentToLink) { break; }
if (newIndex < elementLinks.Count)
using (Transaction t = parentFrom.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("Move list item"))
parentFromLink.MoveToIndex(parentFromRole, newIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Get the embedding link to this element.
/// Assumes there is no inheritance between embedding relationships.
/// (If there is, you need to make sure you've got the relationship
/// that is represented in the shape compartment.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="child"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
ElementLink GetEmbeddingLink(ClassModelElement child)
foreach (DomainRoleInfo role in child.GetDomainClass().AllEmbeddedByDomainRoles)
foreach (ElementLink link in role.OppositeDomainRole.GetElementLinks(child))
// Just the assume the first embedding link is the only one.
// Not a valid assumption if one relationship is derived from another.
return link;
return null;