

The _BUILDARCH environment variable specifies the default target platform for which you are building. The valid target platforms are amd64, ia64, and x86,

This environment variable may be set to a value that is different from the platform on which you are building. For example, assuming that the appropriate cross-compiler existed, _BUILDARCH could be set to x86 on an Itanium-based computer in order to build x86 binaries.

The _BUILDARCH environment variable is set by the SetEnv.bat batch file. When you run the batch file, it sets the _BUILDARCH environment variable to x86 by default unless you specify one of the following SetEnv.bat command-line parameters:

  • 64.

    This parameter specifies an Itanium-based build environment. In this case, the batch file sets _BUILDARCH to ia64.

  • x64.

    This parameter specifies an amd64 build environment. In this case, the batch file sets _BUILDARCH to amd64.

Important  Do not change the value of this environment variable. It is set by the SetEnv.bat file when the build environment is created. For more information, see Using the SetEnv.bat Command-Line.



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Build date: 5/3/2011