
Warning List

The Warning List is a table that displays the warnings and warning sets that you can add to a filter. It contains one row for each a warning set or warning. The warning sets appear before the warnings in the warning list.

The warning list includes all of the warnings that PREfast for Drivers can report, including, but not limited to, the warnings that PREfast for Drivers reported for the source code that is the subject of the Defect Log.

To display the warning list, in a PREfast for Drivers Defect Log, click Filter.

The following screen shot shows a Warning List in the PREfast Defect Log.

Screen shot showing a Warning List in the PREfast Defect Log

Warning List Columns

The warning list has the following columns:

  • Selection column
    The leftmost column contains a check box for each warning or warning set. To add a warning to a filter, select (check) the box. To remove a warning from a filter, clear (uncheck) the box.

  • Warning
    Displays the name of a warning set or the warning number of a warning.

  • Description
    Displays a brief description of the warning or warning set. In the warning list, the descriptions of warnings contain variables. In the Message List, those variables are replaced by values from the source code.

Sorting the Warning List

To sort the values in the Selection column (the leftmost, unnamed column) or Warning column, click the column title. Clicking repeatedly toggles the column values from ascending to descending order.

When you sort the warning list, the warning sets are sorted separately from the warnings. They are not interspersed.

When you are examining the contents of a filter, sorting the selection column--the leftmost, unnamed column--is very useful. When you sort in ascending order, PREfast for Drivers groups the selected warning sets and warnings at the top of the list.

Viewing Warnings and Warning Sets

The warning sets included in PREfast for Drivers appear at the top of the warning list, before the warnings. To view the warnings, scroll past the warning sets.

In the warning list, warnings and warning sets that are selected are included in the filter.



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Build date: 5/3/2011