

The PASS0_CLIENTDIR, PASS0_HEADERDIR, and PASS0_SERVERDIR macros are used when you have a SOURCES macro in your sources file. That macro can contain the following types of files:

  • C

  • C++

  • RC

  • MC

  • IDL

Use the PASS0_CLIENTDIR, PASS0_HEADERDIR, and PASS0_SERVERDIR macros to specify a directory location for the output from the MC and the Microsoft IDL Compiler (MIDL).

If you run MIDL over sources that include interface description language (IDL) files, the Build utility generates a server part, a client part, a header, and a default source. Use the PASS0_SERVERDIR and PASS0_CLIENTDIR macros to specify their output location.

Running MC causes the generation of a header file and a source file. Use the PASS0_HEADERDIR and PASS0_SOURCEDIR macros to specify their output location.

If you build a MIDL stub, it will use the remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. There are stub programs that communicate between the client side and the server side using RPC. You can override the default stub programs if you need to.



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Build date: 5/3/2011