
Customizing an OACR Project

Microsoft Auto Code Review (OACR) integrates PREfast for Drivers (PFD) into the WDK Build environment and is available when you install the latest WDK for Windows 7. OACR automatically begins working when you open a build environment window, so you can start using OACR and PFD without any special setup.

OACR configuration files

OACR uses two configuration files, OACR.ini and Oacruser.ini, to set preferences and to configure projects. Projects are your build targets, that is, a project is whatever driver or library you are building with the WDK build utility. The names of projects are determined by the directory in which you are building, the settings in the configuration file, OACR.ini, and by the Projects.mk file. The OACRuser.ini file can be used to override the project settings in the OACR.ini configuration file. The location of the OACRUser.ini file is specified by the UserIniLocation setting in the OACR.ini file. The default setting in the WDK is as follows:


If you want to use an OACRUser.ini file, you must create the file and the %BASEDIR%\config directory. The file and the directory are not provided when you install the WDK. The %BASEDIR% is the root directory of your WDK installation (for example, C:\WinDDK\7600\).

OACR projects in the WDK

In the WDK, OACR is configured for two projects: WDKsamples and Root. The WDKsamples project settings are used any time you build something under the %BASEDIR% of WDK (for example, C:\WinDDK\7600\). The Root project is the default build project and is used for anything that is built outside of the WDK directory structure (for example, C:\myproj\src).

Creating a private project using a custom include file

You can add your own projects to the default OACR configuration file, as described in Creating or Modifying an OACR Project. However, if you want to create a private project and you do not want to add it to the OACR.ini file, you can set up an environment variable and point to an include file. The settings in the include file are then added to OACR.ini. Be aware that the OACRUser.ini file is used to override the project settings in the OACR.ini configuration file and cannot be used to add projects.

Follow these steps to create a private project:

  1. Shut down the OACR Monitor.

    Right-click the OACR Monitor icon in the taskbar, and click Close. Or type oacr stop in a build environment window. Close any build environment window you have open.

    Note  You must stop OACR and close the windows so that OACR can pick up the changes you will make in the following steps.

  2. Set the environment variable OACRUserFIles.

    Edit the System Properties on your computer and create the OACRUserFIles environment variable. Set the variable to point to a directory in which you will create and store your private OACR project configuration file.

    set OACRUserFIles=c:\myOACRprojects
  3. Add the #include directive to the OACR.ini file.

    The OACR.ini file is in the %BASEDIR%\version\bin\arch\OACR directory. Add the following line at the end of the file:

    #include optional %OACRUserFiles%\oacr.include.ini

    The Oacr.include.ini file is optional, so OACR does not complain if it does not exist.

  4. Create the include file and define your OACR projects.

    Create the Oacr.include.ini file in the %OACRUserFIles% directory. This include file is where you define your private OACR projects. For example, the following settings in the Oacr.include.ini file create a project called MyProject.

    ; project 'myProject': the code under src; relies on %OACRUserFIles%\project.mk
    ; WarningLocations=^%BASEDIR%\\src
    ; Use PFD's settings for these
  5. Create a project.mk file in the target project directory

    Just as with any new OACR project that you add to the OACR.ini file, you must create a project.mk file and place that in the root directory of your source files. For more information, see Creating or Modifying an OACR Project. The project.mk file for MyProject, would look like this:


  6. Restart the OACR Monitor.

    Open a new build environment window to start OACR. You must open a new build environment window so that your %OACRUserFIles% environment variable is used. When OACR starts up, it reads the Oacr.include.ini file and treats its content as if it were part of Oacr.ini.

  7. Verify that your OACR project is configured correctly.

    In a build environment window, use the oacr checkini command to verify that your configuration files are set up correctly. You should see something similar to the following:

    c:\WinDDK\7600>oacr checkini

    Configuration : C:\WinDDK\7600\bin\x86\OACR\oacr.ini

    Includes : C:\WinDDK\7600\bin\oacr_base.ini


    Defines : x86

    Customizations: C:\WinDDK\7600\config\oacruser.ini

    No problems found

    Use the oacr showconfigproject command to verify that OACR can successfully read your project settings.

    oacr showconfig MyProject

    If your project is set up correctly, OACR shows the project configuration.

    Be aware that you can also use the OACR commands oacr stop and oacr monitor to stop and start OACR. These commands are useful if you need to make changes to fix problems in the configuration files. For more information, see Microsoft Auto Code Review (OACR) Commands.

  8. Build your driver or library.

    After you have verified that your OACR project is set up correctly, you can build your driver or library as you typically would. You only need to open a build environment window and navigate to your build target directory. OACR will use all of your project-specific settings.



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Build date: 5/3/2011