

The BUILD_ALT_DIR environment variable specifies a string that will be used in the name of log files and in the name of the directory that contains object files.

By default, BUILD_ALT_DIR is a string composed of the build type, the Windows version, and the processor type, separated by underscores. For more information about the exact syntax of this string, see Specifying the Location of Created Files .

You can change the value of BUILD_ALT_DIR if you want to specify an alternate object directory name. For example, you can use this environment variable when you want to build the same source in different windows using different language, optimizations, or debugging information.

Note   The directory that is specified by BUILD_ALT_DIR must not contain spaces. If you use the Build utility with directories that contain spaces, the error messages generated may not make it clear what is wrong.

The sum of the lengths of BUILD_ALT_DIR and TARGETPATH must not exceed MAX_PATH (about 256 characters).



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Build date: 5/3/2011