template<class Type>
complex<Type> pow(
const complex<Type>& _Base,
int _Power
template<class Type>
complex<Type> pow(
const complex<Type>& _Base,
const Type& _Power
template<class Type>
complex<Type> pow(
const complex<Type>& _Base,
const complex<Type>& _Power
template<class Type>
complex<Type> pow(
const Type& _Base,
const complex<Type>& _Power
每個函式實際上會將這兩個運算元為傳回型別,然後傳回已轉換的 left 乘冪數的 right。
// complex_pow.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// First member function
// type complex<double> base & type integer power
complex <double> cb1 ( 3 , 4);
int cp1 = 2;
complex <double> ce1 = pow ( cb1 ,cp1 );
cout << "Complex number for base cb1 = " << cb1 << endl;
cout << "Integer for power = " << cp1 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and integer power:"
<< "\n ce1 = cb1 ^ cp1 = " << ce1 << endl;
double absce1 = abs ( ce1 );
double argce1 = arg ( ce1 );
cout << "The modulus of ce1 is: " << absce1 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce1 is: "<< argce1 << " radians, which is "
<< argce1 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Second member function
// type complex<double> base & type double power
complex <double> cb2 ( 3 , 4 );
double cp2 = pi;
complex <double> ce2 = pow ( cb2 ,cp2 );
cout << "Complex number for base cb2 = " << cb2 << endl;
cout << "Type double for power cp2 = pi = " << cp2 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and double power:"
<< "\n ce2 = cb2 ^ cp2 = " << ce2 << endl;
double absce2 = abs ( ce2 );
double argce2 = arg ( ce2 );
cout << "The modulus of ce2 is: " << absce2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce2 is: "<< argce2 << " radians, which is "
<< argce2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Third member function
// type complex<double> base & type complex<double> power
complex <double> cb3 ( 3 , 4 );
complex <double> cp3 ( -2 , 1 );
complex <double> ce3 = pow ( cb3 ,cp3 );
cout << "Complex number for base cb3 = " << cb3 << endl;
cout << "Complex number for power cp3= " << cp3 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from complex base and complex power:"
<< "\n ce3 = cb3 ^ cp3 = " << ce3 << endl;
double absce3 = abs ( ce3 );
double argce3 = arg ( ce3 );
cout << "The modulus of ce3 is: " << absce3 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce3 is: "<< argce3 << " radians, which is "
<< argce3 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// Fourth member function
// type double base & type complex<double> power
double cb4 = pi;
complex <double> cp4 ( 2 , -1 );
complex <double> ce4 = pow ( cb4 ,cp4 );
cout << "Type double for base cb4 = pi = " << cb4 << endl;
cout << "Complex number for power cp4 = " << cp4 << endl;
cout << "Complex number returned from double base and complex power:"
<< "\n ce4 = cb4 ^ cp4 = " << ce4 << endl;
double absce4 = abs ( ce4 );
double argce4 = arg ( ce4 );
cout << "The modulus of ce4 is: " << absce4 << endl;
cout << "The argument of ce4 is: "<< argce4 << " radians, which is "
<< argce4 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
標題: <complex>
命名空間: std