
How to: Export UML Data as an .xmi File

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

This is the fourth and last topic in the Walkthrough: Using the Microsoft.Uml2 Domain. The preceding topic is How to: Query UML Data in Modeling Services. This topic shows how to use Microsoft code name “Quadrant” to export the UML data that is loaded into an .xmi file.

Export the UML as an .xmi file

  1. Open the SQL Server Modeling CTP command prompt.

    Shows the command prompt location.

  2. Run the following command to use the UML exporter to extract the .xmi files from the UML model data in the folder called DinnerNowDesign. The .xmi file is generated in the folder c:\OsloSamples\UML\XMI.

    ExportUml.exe /tf:DinnerNowDesign /d:Repository /o:c:\OsloSamples\UML\XMI
  3. Open the generated .xmi file in “Quadrant” or any text editor to see if the generated XML text is correct. You can also import this .xmi file in a third-party tool to generate a UML class diagram from it.

See Also


Walkthrough: Using the Microsoft.Uml2 Domain