
GraphStore Members

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The abstract base for all graph store implementations.

The GraphStore type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method GraphStore When overridden in a derived class, initializes a new instance of the class derived from the GraphStore class.



  Name Description
Public method AddContribution Overloaded. Adds to the store.
Public method AddPropertyChangedEventHandler Adds the property changed event handler to the node.
Public method BeginNavigateFromRootTo Begins to asynchronously resolve a symbolic node reference, using global navigation scope.
Public method BeginNavigateTo Begins to asynchronously resolve a symbolic node reference using the current node to define the navigation scope.
Public method CreateCollection Overloaded. When overridden in a derived class, creates a collection.
Public method CreateConstant Overloaded. Creates a node with a specified key.
Public method EndNavigateFromRootTo Obtains the return value from the BeginNavigateTo asynchronous delegate with global context.
Public method EndNavigateTo Obtains the return value from the BeginNavigateTo asynchronous delegate.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAdapterForAllNodes Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store nodes, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForEdges Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as edges, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForLists Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as a collection, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForOrderedNodes Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as ordered nodes, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForRecords Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as records, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForRecordValues Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as record values, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForTuples Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as tuples, with node scope.
Public method GetAdapterForUnorderedNodes Provides efficient access and enumeration of the data store as unordered nodes, with node scope.
Public method GetBrand When overridden in a derived class, gets a node's brand.
Public method GetConstantBoolean Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantBytes Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or null if non-atomic.
Public methodStatic member GetConstantClassification Overloaded. Gets the ConstantClassification of a constant node.
Public method GetConstantDate Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantDateTime Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantDateTimeOffset Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantDecimal Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantDouble Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantGraphReference Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantGuid Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantInt32 Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantInt64 Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantString Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node key is non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantTime Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if non-atomic.
Public method GetConstantValue Gets an atomic node's key (used to hold the constant value), or nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the node is non-atomic.
Protected method GetEdgeEnumerator When overridden in a derived class, gets an enumerator for the node's outgoing edges.
Protected method GetEdges When overridden in a derived class, gets a collection of a node's outgoing edges.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetLabeledEdge
Protected method GetLabeledEdgeOrDefault When overridden in a derived class, gets the target node of the outgoing edge from the current node with the specified label, or if there is no such label, a new node from the default constructor.
Public method GetLabeledEdges When overridden in a derived class, gets a dictionary that contains the outgoing labeled edges of the current node.
Protected method GetLabeledValues When overridden in a derived class, gets an enumeration of the target nodes that are on outgoing labeled edges of the current node.
Protected method GetLabels When overridden in a derived class, gets an enumeration of the target nodes of the outgoing labeled edges from the current node.
Protected method GetListValues When overridden in a derived class, gets a list of the target nodes on the outgoing edges from the current node.
Public method GetNodeKind When overridden in a derived class, gets the NodeKind of the current node.
Protected method GetOrderedValues When overridden in a derived class, gets a list of the current node's successor nodes if they are a list; otherwise returns an empty immutable collection.
Protected method GetTupleValues When overridden in a derived class, gets a list of the current node's successor nodes if they are a tuple; otherwise returns an empty immutable collection.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetUnlabeledContributionTarget When overridden in a derived class, gets a collection of the target nodes of the unlabeled outgoing edge from the current node.
Public method GetUnlabeledEdges Gets a collection of the unlabeled outgoing edges of the specified node.
Protected method GetValues When overridden in a derived class, gets a collection of the target nodes of the outgoing edge from the current node.
Protected method HasLabel Determines whether an outgoing edge from the node has the specified label.
Protected method IsAtomic Determines whether the node is atomic.
Protected method IsCollection Determines whether the node is a collection.
Protected method IsComposite Determines whether the node is a composite.
Protected method IsList Determines whether the node is a list.
Public method IsNode Determines whether a node's key is in the data store.
Public method IsReadOnly Determines whether the node is read-only.
Protected method IsRecord Determines whether the node is a record.
Protected method IsTuple Determines whether the node is a tuple.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method NavigateFromRootTo Gets the node that resolves a graph reference, with global scope.
Public method NavigateTo Gets the node that resolves a graph reference, scoped by the specified node.
Public method OwnsKey When overridden in a derived class, determines whether the specified key exists in the store.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom Overloaded. Creates and populates a GraphStore by reading from a stream.
Public methodStatic member ReadFrom< (Of < <' (T> ) > > ) Overloaded.
Public methodStatic member ReadFromString Overloaded. Creates and populates a GraphStore by reading from a string.
Public methodStatic member ReadFromString< (Of < <' (T> ) > > ) Creates and populates a GraphStore by reading from a string.
Public method RemovePropertyChangedEventHandler Removes a delegate from the list of PropertyChanged event handlers for a node.
Public method ResolveAllReferences
Public method SetBrand
Public method SetConstantValue Updates an atomic node's key.
Public method SetEdge Sets the outgoing labeled edge from the specified node to the value.
Public method SetListValue
Public method SetReferenceTarget Uses a delegate to update a node to a target reference value.
Public method ToString Overloaded.
Public method WriteTo Overloaded. Writes the sub-graph that can be reached from this node to a stream.
Public method WriteToString



  Name Description
Protected propertyStatic member EmptyEdges When overridden in a derived class, gets an empty collection of edges.
Public property KeyComparer When overridden in a derived class, gets a reference to the method used to compare store keys.
Public property OuterEdges When overridden in a derived class, gets the outer edges of the graph that is backed by the store.
Public property ReferenceResolver When overridden in a derived class, gets and sets the GraphReferenceResolver that resolves symbolic references.
Public property SyntheticSource When overridden in a derived class, gets a node that is not technically part of the graph managed by the graph store, but that synthetically gathers all outer edges of the graph.


See Also


GraphStore Class

System.Dataflow Namespace