逐步解說: 顯示對稱的括號
您可以實作語言為基礎的功能,例如括號來定義您要比對,大括的號,以及當插入號位於其中一個大括號,然後將文字標記標籤新增至對稱的括號對稱。 您可以定義大括號內的一種語言,您可以定義您自己的檔案名稱副檔名和內容類型,並將標籤套用到只是該型別,或是您可以將標籤套用到現有的內容類型 (例如,"text")。 下列逐步解說會示範如何套用括號對稱的 「 文字 」 的內容類型的標籤。
若要完成這個逐步解說中,您必須安裝Visual Studio 2010 SDK。
![]() |
如需有關 Visual Studio 的 SDK 的詳細資訊,請參閱擴充 Visual Studio 的概觀。若要了解如何下載 Visual Studio 的 SDK,請參閱Visual Studio 擴充性開發人員中心 MSDN 網站上。 |
建立受管理的擴充性架構 (MEF) 專案
若要建立 MEF 專案
建立編輯器類別器的專案。 為方案命名 BraceMatchingTest。
VSIX 資訊清單編輯器中開啟 source.extension.vsixmanifest 檔案。
請確定Content名包含 MEF 元件的內容類型,並Path設定為 BraceMatchingTest.dll。
儲存並關閉 Source.extension.vsixmanifest。
實作符合 Tagger 的大括號
若要取得效果相似 Visual Studio 中所使用的反白顯示在括號,您可以實作型別的 tagger TextMarkerTag。 下列程式碼會示範如何定義用於任何層級的巢狀的大括號括號 tagger。 在這個範例中,大括號會配對 []。 [],並 {} 定義在 tagger 的建構函式,但在完整的語言實作相關的大括號組應該定義語言規格中。
若要實作的括號對稱 tagger
將類別檔案,並命名為 BraceMatching。
Imports System.ComponentModel.Composition Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.Composition; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
Friend Class BraceMatchingTagger Implements ITagger(Of TextMarkerTag)
internal class BraceMatchingTagger : ITagger<TextMarkerTag>
加入屬性的文字檢視、 來源緩衝區,並在目前的快照集點,以及一組大括號組。
Private _View As ITextView Private Property View() As ITextView Get Return _View End Get Set(ByVal value As ITextView) _View = value End Set End Property Private _SourceBuffer As ITextBuffer Private Property SourceBuffer() As ITextBuffer Get Return _SourceBuffer End Get Set(ByVal value As ITextBuffer) _SourceBuffer = value End Set End Property Private _CurrentChar As System.Nullable(Of SnapshotPoint) Private Property CurrentChar() As System.Nullable(Of SnapshotPoint) Get Return _CurrentChar End Get Set(ByVal value As System.Nullable(Of SnapshotPoint)) _CurrentChar = value End Set End Property Private m_braceList As Dictionary(Of Char, Char)
ITextView View { get; set; } ITextBuffer SourceBuffer { get; set; } SnapshotPoint? CurrentChar { get; set; } private Dictionary<char, char> m_braceList;
Tagger 建構函式,在設定屬性及訂閱檢視 change 事件PositionChanged和LayoutChanged。 在這個範例中,為說明用途,對稱的括號中也有定義建構函式。
Friend Sub New(ByVal view As ITextView, ByVal sourceBuffer As ITextBuffer) 'here the keys are the open braces, and the values are the close braces m_braceList = New Dictionary(Of Char, Char)() m_braceList.Add("{"c, "}"c) m_braceList.Add("["c, "]"c) m_braceList.Add("("c, ")"c) Me.View = view Me.SourceBuffer = sourceBuffer Me.CurrentChar = Nothing AddHandler Me.View.Caret.PositionChanged, AddressOf Me.CaretPositionChanged AddHandler Me.View.LayoutChanged, AddressOf Me.ViewLayoutChanged End Sub
internal BraceMatchingTagger(ITextView view, ITextBuffer sourceBuffer) { //here the keys are the open braces, and the values are the close braces m_braceList = new Dictionary<char, char>(); m_braceList.Add('{', '}'); m_braceList.Add('[', ']'); m_braceList.Add('(', ')'); this.View = view; this.SourceBuffer = sourceBuffer; this.CurrentChar = null; this.View.Caret.PositionChanged += CaretPositionChanged; this.View.LayoutChanged += ViewLayoutChanged; }
做為一部分的ITagger的實作中,宣告 「 TagsChanged 」 事件。
Public Event TagsChanged As EventHandler(Of SnapshotSpanEventArgs) _ Implements ITagger(Of TextMarkerTag).TagsChanged
public event EventHandler<SnapshotSpanEventArgs> TagsChanged;
事件處理常式會更新目前的插入號位置CurrentChar屬性並引發 TagsChanged 事件。
Private Sub ViewLayoutChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs) If e.NewSnapshot IsNot e.OldSnapshot Then 'make sure that there has really been a change UpdateAtCaretPosition(View.Caret.Position) End If End Sub Private Sub CaretPositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CaretPositionChangedEventArgs) UpdateAtCaretPosition(e.NewPosition) End Sub Private Sub UpdateAtCaretPosition(ByVal caretPosition As CaretPosition) CurrentChar = caretPosition.Point.GetPoint(SourceBuffer, caretPosition.Affinity) If Not CurrentChar.HasValue Then Exit Sub End If RaiseEvent TagsChanged(Me, New SnapshotSpanEventArgs(New SnapshotSpan(SourceBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, SourceBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length))) End Sub
void ViewLayoutChanged(object sender, TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.NewSnapshot != e.OldSnapshot) //make sure that there has really been a change { UpdateAtCaretPosition(View.Caret.Position); } } void CaretPositionChanged(object sender, CaretPositionChangedEventArgs e) { UpdateAtCaretPosition(e.NewPosition); } void UpdateAtCaretPosition(CaretPosition caretPosition) { CurrentChar = caretPosition.Point.GetPoint(SourceBuffer, caretPosition.Affinity); if (!CurrentChar.HasValue) return; var tempEvent = TagsChanged; if (tempEvent != null) tempEvent(this, new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(new SnapshotSpan(SourceBuffer.CurrentSnapshot, 0, SourceBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.Length))); }
實作GetTags方法,使其符合括號是目前的字元時開啟的大括號或前一字元時是關閉的大括號,在 [Visual Studio。 當找到符合的項目時,這個方法會產生兩個標記,另一個則用於開啟的大括號和右大括弧。
Public Function GetTags(ByVal spans As NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection) As IEnumerable(Of ITagSpan(Of TextMarkerTag)) Implements ITagger(Of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging.TextMarkerTag).GetTags If spans.Count = 0 Then 'there is no content in the buffer Exit Function End If 'don't do anything if the current SnapshotPoint is not initialized or at the end of the buffer If Not CurrentChar.HasValue OrElse CurrentChar.Value.Position >= CurrentChar.Value.Snapshot.Length Then Exit Function End If 'hold on to a snapshot of the current character Dim currentChar__1 As SnapshotPoint = CurrentChar.Value 'if the requested snapshot isn't the same as the one the brace is on, translate our spans to the expected snapshot If spans(0).Snapshot IsNot currentChar__1.Snapshot Then currentChar__1 = currentChar__1.TranslateTo(spans(0).Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive) End If 'get the current char and the previous char Dim currentText As Char = currentChar__1.GetChar() Dim lastChar As SnapshotPoint = If(CInt(currentChar__1) = 0, currentChar__1, currentChar__1 - 1) 'if currentChar is 0 (beginning of buffer), don't move it back Dim lastText As Char = lastChar.GetChar() Dim pairSpan As New SnapshotSpan() If m_braceList.ContainsKey(currentText) Then 'the key is the open brace Dim closeChar As Char m_braceList.TryGetValue(currentText, closeChar) If BraceMatchingTagger.FindMatchingCloseChar(currentChar__1, currentText, closeChar, View.TextViewLines.Count, pairSpan) = True Then Exit Function End If ElseIf m_braceList.ContainsValue(lastText) Then 'the value is the close brace, which is the *previous* character Dim open = From n In m_braceList _ Where n.Value.Equals(lastText) _ Select n.Key If BraceMatchingTagger.FindMatchingOpenChar(lastChar, CChar(open.ElementAt(0)), lastText, View.TextViewLines.Count, pairSpan) = True Then Exit Function End If End If End Function
public IEnumerable<ITagSpan<TextMarkerTag>> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans) { if (spans.Count == 0) //there is no content in the buffer yield break; //don't do anything if the current SnapshotPoint is not initialized or at the end of the buffer if (!CurrentChar.HasValue || CurrentChar.Value.Position >= CurrentChar.Value.Snapshot.Length) yield break; //hold on to a snapshot of the current character SnapshotPoint currentChar = CurrentChar.Value; //if the requested snapshot isn't the same as the one the brace is on, translate our spans to the expected snapshot if (spans[0].Snapshot != currentChar.Snapshot) { currentChar = currentChar.TranslateTo(spans[0].Snapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive); } //get the current char and the previous char char currentText = currentChar.GetChar(); SnapshotPoint lastChar = currentChar == 0 ? currentChar : currentChar - 1; //if currentChar is 0 (beginning of buffer), don't move it back char lastText = lastChar.GetChar(); SnapshotSpan pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(); if (m_braceList.ContainsKey(currentText)) //the key is the open brace { char closeChar; m_braceList.TryGetValue(currentText, out closeChar); if (BraceMatchingTagger.FindMatchingCloseChar(currentChar, currentText, closeChar, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan) == true) { yield return new TagSpan<TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(currentChar, 1), new TextMarkerTag("blue")); yield return new TagSpan<TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, new TextMarkerTag("blue")); } } else if (m_braceList.ContainsValue(lastText)) //the value is the close brace, which is the *previous* character { var open = from n in m_braceList where n.Value.Equals(lastText) select n.Key; if (BraceMatchingTagger.FindMatchingOpenChar(lastChar, (char)open.ElementAt<char>(0), lastText, View.TextViewLines.Count, out pairSpan) == true) { yield return new TagSpan<TextMarkerTag>(new SnapshotSpan(lastChar, 1), new TextMarkerTag("blue")); yield return new TagSpan<TextMarkerTag>(pairSpan, new TextMarkerTag("blue")); } } }
下列的私用方法找出在任何層級的巢狀結構對稱的括號。 第一種方法可找出符合開啟字元關閉字元:
Private Shared Function FindMatchingCloseChar(ByVal startPoint As SnapshotPoint, ByVal open As Char, ByVal close As Char, ByVal maxLines As Integer, ByRef pairSpan As SnapshotSpan) As Boolean pairSpan = New SnapshotSpan(startPoint.Snapshot, 1, 1) Dim line As ITextSnapshotLine = startPoint.GetContainingLine() Dim lineText As String = line.GetText() Dim lineNumber As Integer = line.LineNumber Dim offset As Integer = startPoint.Position - line.Start.Position + 1 Dim stopLineNumber As Integer = startPoint.Snapshot.LineCount - 1 If maxLines > 0 Then stopLineNumber = Math.Min(stopLineNumber, lineNumber + maxLines) End If Dim openCount As Integer = 0 While True 'walk the entire line While offset < line.Length Dim currentChar As Char = lineText(offset) If currentChar = close Then 'found the close character If openCount > 0 Then openCount -= 1 Else 'found the matching close pairSpan = New SnapshotSpan(startPoint.Snapshot, line.Start + offset, 1) Return True End If ElseIf currentChar = open Then ' this is another open openCount += 1 End If offset += 1 End While 'move on to the next line If System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(lineNumber) > stopLineNumber Then Exit While End If line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber) lineText = line.GetText() offset = 0 End While Return False End Function
private static bool FindMatchingCloseChar(SnapshotPoint startPoint, char open, char close, int maxLines, out SnapshotSpan pairSpan) { pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint.Snapshot, 1, 1); ITextSnapshotLine line = startPoint.GetContainingLine(); string lineText = line.GetText(); int lineNumber = line.LineNumber; int offset = startPoint.Position - line.Start.Position + 1; int stopLineNumber = startPoint.Snapshot.LineCount - 1; if (maxLines > 0) stopLineNumber = Math.Min(stopLineNumber, lineNumber + maxLines); int openCount = 0; while (true) { //walk the entire line while (offset < line.Length) { char currentChar = lineText[offset]; if (currentChar == close) //found the close character { if (openCount > 0) { openCount--; } else //found the matching close { pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint.Snapshot, line.Start + offset, 1); return true; } } else if (currentChar == open) // this is another open { openCount++; } offset++; } //move on to the next line if (++lineNumber > stopLineNumber) break; line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber); lineText = line.GetText(); offset = 0; } return false; }
下列的 helper 方法會找出開啟比對關閉字元的字元:
Private Shared Function FindMatchingOpenChar(ByVal startPoint As SnapshotPoint, ByVal open As Char, ByVal close As Char, ByVal maxLines As Integer, ByRef pairSpan As SnapshotSpan) As Boolean pairSpan = New SnapshotSpan(startPoint, startPoint) Dim line As ITextSnapshotLine = startPoint.GetContainingLine() Dim lineNumber As Integer = line.LineNumber Dim offset As Integer = startPoint - line.Start - 1 'move the offset to the character before this one 'if the offset is negative, move to the previous line If offset < 0 Then line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(lineNumber)) offset = line.Length - 1 End If Dim lineText As String = line.GetText() Dim stopLineNumber As Integer = 0 If maxLines > 0 Then stopLineNumber = Math.Max(stopLineNumber, lineNumber - maxLines) End If Dim closeCount As Integer = 0 While True ' Walk the entire line While offset >= 0 Dim currentChar As Char = lineText(offset) If currentChar = open Then If closeCount > 0 Then closeCount -= 1 Else ' We've found the open character pairSpan = New SnapshotSpan(line.Start + offset, 1) 'we just want the character itself Return True End If ElseIf currentChar = close Then closeCount += 1 End If offset -= 1 End While ' Move to the previous line If System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(lineNumber) < stopLineNumber Then Exit While End If line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber) lineText = line.GetText() offset = line.Length - 1 End While Return False End Function
private static bool FindMatchingOpenChar(SnapshotPoint startPoint, char open, char close, int maxLines, out SnapshotSpan pairSpan) { pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(startPoint, startPoint); ITextSnapshotLine line = startPoint.GetContainingLine(); int lineNumber = line.LineNumber; int offset = startPoint - line.Start - 1; //move the offset to the character before this one //if the offset is negative, move to the previous line if (offset < 0) { line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(--lineNumber); offset = line.Length - 1; } string lineText = line.GetText(); int stopLineNumber = 0; if (maxLines > 0) stopLineNumber = Math.Max(stopLineNumber, lineNumber - maxLines); int closeCount = 0; while (true) { // Walk the entire line while (offset >= 0) { char currentChar = lineText[offset]; if (currentChar == open) { if (closeCount > 0) { closeCount--; } else // We've found the open character { pairSpan = new SnapshotSpan(line.Start + offset, 1); //we just want the character itself return true; } } else if (currentChar == close) { closeCount++; } offset--; } // Move to the previous line if (--lineNumber < stopLineNumber) break; line = line.Snapshot.GetLineFromLineNumber(lineNumber); lineText = line.GetText(); offset = line.Length - 1; } return false; }
實作的括號對稱 Tagger 提供者
除了實作 tagger,您也必須實作,並匯出 tagger 提供者。 在此情況下,提供者的內容類型是 「 文字 」。 這表示括號對稱會出現在所有類型的文字檔案,但簡實作會套用比只對特定的內容類型的大括號。
若要實作的大括號對稱 tagger 提供者
宣告繼承自 tagger 提供者IViewTaggerProvider、 其命名為 BraceMatchingTaggerProvider,並將其與匯出ContentTypeAttribute的 「 文字 」,並TagTypeAttribute的TextMarkerTag。
<Export(GetType(IViewTaggerProvider))> _ <ContentType("text")> _ <TagType(GetType(TextMarkerTag))> _ Friend Class BraceMatchingTaggerProvider Implements IViewTaggerProvider
[Export(typeof(IViewTaggerProvider))] [ContentType("text")] [TagType(typeof(TextMarkerTag))] internal class BraceMatchingTaggerProvider : IViewTaggerProvider
實作CreateTagger``1 BraceMatchingTagger 具現化的方法。
Public Function CreateTagger(Of T As ITag)(ByVal textView As ITextView, ByVal buffer As ITextBuffer) As ITagger(Of T) Implements IViewTaggerProvider.CreateTagger If textView Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If 'provide highlighting only on the top-level buffer If textView.TextBuffer IsNot buffer Then Return Nothing End If Return TryCast(New BraceMatchingTagger(textView, buffer), ITagger(Of T)) End Function
public ITagger<T> CreateTagger<T>(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag { if (textView == null) return null; //provide highlighting only on the top-level buffer if (textView.TextBuffer != buffer) return null; return new BraceMatchingTagger(textView, buffer) as ITagger<T>; }
若要測試這段程式碼,建置 BraceMatchingTest 方案並執行它實驗性的執行個體中。
若要建置和測試 BraceMatchingTest 的解決方案
當您執行此專案在偵錯工具時,會執行個體化 Visual Studio 的第二個執行個體。
hello { goodbye} {} {hello}
當您開啟的大括號之前插入號時,該的大括號和相符的右大括弧都應會反白顯示。 當您將游標的位置只會在右大括弧之後時,但是該的大括號,並開啟對稱的大括號應該會醒目提示。