random_access_iterator_tag 結構
提供傳回類別的類型迭代器類別 表示隨機存取的函式。
struct random_access_iterator_tag
: public bidirectional_iterator_tag {};
類別將類別標記為演算法選取使用編譯標記。 樣板函式需要尋找其 Iterator 引數最特定的類別,以便使用最有效的演算法在編譯時期。 對於型別 IteratorIterator,必須定義 iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category 是描述 Iterator 的行為的最特定的分類標記。
這個型別與 iterator<Iter>::iterator_category ,當 Iter 描述可做為隨機存取 Iterator 的物件時。
// iterator_rait.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
int main( )
vector<int> vi;
vector<char> vc;
list<char> lc;
iterator_traits<vector<int>:: iterator>::iterator_category cati;
iterator_traits<vector<char>:: iterator>::iterator_category catc;
iterator_traits<list<char>:: iterator>::iterator_category catlc;
// These are both random-access iterators
cout << "The type of iterator for vector<int> is "
<< "identified by the tag:\n "
<< typeid ( cati ).name( ) << endl;
cout << "The type of iterator for vector<char> is "
<< "identified by the tag:\n "
<< typeid ( catc ).name( ) << endl;
if ( typeid ( cati ) == typeid( catc ) )
cout << "The iterators are the same." << endl << endl;
cout << "The iterators are not the same." << endl << endl;
// But the list iterator is bidirectinal, not random access
cout << "The type of iterator for list<char> is "
<< "identified by the tag:\n "
<< typeid (catlc).name( ) << endl;
// cout << ( typeid ( vi.begin( ) ) == typeid( vc.begin( ) ) ) << endl;
if ( typeid ( vi.begin( ) ) == typeid( vc.begin( ) ) )
cout << "The iterators are the same." << endl;
cout << "The iterators are not the same." << endl;
// A random-access iterator is a bidirectional iterator.
cout << ( void* ) dynamic_cast< iterator_traits<list<char>:: iterator>
::iterator_category* > ( &catc ) << endl;
The type of iterator for vector<int> is identified by the tag:
struct std::random_access_iterator_tag
The type of iterator for vector<char> is identified by the tag:
struct std::random_access_iterator_tag
The iterators are the same.
The type of iterator for list<char> is identified by the tag:
struct std::bidirectional_iterator_tag
The iterators are not the same.
命名空間: std