
Setting Up Colored Indicators on Cues by Using Codeunit 1

Codeunit 1 Application Management includes the GetCueStyle trigger that enables you to set up Cues with indicators that change color based on the value in the Cue.

The GetCueStyle trigger provides a more dynamic way of setting up colored indicators than using the Style and StyleExpr field properties. For example, the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database uses the GetCueStyle trigger, together with various pages, tables and codeunits, to give end-users the capability to set up colored indicators directly from the Dynamics NAV client.

GetCueStyle Trigger Overview

By default, GetCueStyle trigger has the following definition in codeunit 1 Application Management.

GetCueStyle(TableId : Integer;FieldNo : Integer;CueValue : Decimal) : Text

The GetCueStyle trigger is called when the page that contains the Cue is run.


The trigger is only called if the Style and StyleExpr properties are set to their default values <None> and <FALSE> respectively. If you set these parameters to any value other than the default values, then the GetCueStyle trigger is not called and the Cue indicator is configured according to the Style and StyleExpr properties.


The following table describes the parameters of the GetCueStyle trigger.

Parameter Description
TableId The ID of the table object that contains the field that holds the Cue value.
FieldNo The number that is assigned to the table field. This is specified by the field's Field No. Property.
CueValue The calculated value in the Cue that is stored in the table field at runtime.

Return Value

The GetCueStyle trigger returns a value that has the data type Text. To set the colored indicator, you add C/AL code that sets the return value to one of the following values.

Value Color
Standard None (uses the background color of cue)
Favorable Green
Unfavorable Red
Ambiguous Yellow
Subordinate Grey


To illustrate the use of the GetCueStyle trigger, consider a simple example where you have a Cue on the Role Center that displays the number of open sales quotes. You want to set up the indicator to change color according to the following characteristics:

  • Green when the number of open sales quotes is less than or equal to 10

  • Yellow when open sales quotes is greater than 10

  • Red when open sales quotes is greater than 20

    To do this, in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, you modify the GetCueValue trigger in codeunit 1 Application Management. First, you assign the return value the name Color, and then you add the following code to the trigger.

IF (CueValue <= 10) THEN  
    Color := 'Favorable'  
ELSE IF(CueValue > 20) THEN  
    Color := 'Unfavorable'  
    Color := 'Ambiguous';  

To see how you can achieve the same results by using the Style and StyleExpr properties for comparison, see How to: Set Up Colored Indicators on Cues by Using the Style and StyleExpr Property.


This is a simple example to illustrate how to use the GetCueSetup trigger to configure colored indicators on a Cues. This example sets up the colored indicators to behave the same for Cues on all Role Centers. In a production environment, you will typically add logic that sets the colored indicators differently for each Cue.

Example from CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database

CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database includes the following objects that enable the customization of indicators from the Dynamics NAV client. You can use this implementation for your solution as-is or modify it as required.

Dynamics NAV object Description
Codeunit 9701 Cue Setup This codeunit is called from the GetCueStyle trigger in codeunit 1 Application Management and sets the color of the Cue indicators at runtime.
Page 9701 Cue Setup Administration This page is used to set up indicators on Cues that are available in the Dynamics NAV database. From this page you can set up an indicator for the entire company or for specific users only. This page is typically used by an administrator to specify default settings for the indicators. If the page that contains the Cues is set up with the an action that accesses that opens page 9702 Cue Setup End User, then a user can change or personalize the indicator on a Cue.
Page 9702 Cue Setup End User This page is used by the end user to personalize the indicators that appear on a page of the Dynamics NAV client, such as the Role Center.
Table 9701 Cue Setup This table stores the customization settings for the individual Cues.

See Also

Creating and Customizing Cues
Setting Up Colored Indicators on Cues