
Indentation Property (Query)

Sets the indentation level of a data item, column, or filter row in a query in Query Designer.

Applies To

  • Query data items, columns, and filter rows

Property Value


0 sets no indentation, 1 indents the item one level, 2 indents the item two levels, and so on.


In Query Designer, data items, columns, and filter rows are arranged in a hierarchy, as indicated by an indentation of the DataSource column of the item. Indentation is performed automatically as you add items in Query Designer, but you can also set the indentation by modifying the Indentation property The first data item in Query Designer is not indented, but each subsequent data item must be indented one level from the data item above it and every column must be indented one level from the data item to which it belongs.

See Also

How to: Set Up Filter Rows in Query Designer
Understanding Query Filters